UPDATE 10/2/22: Just printed my first page from my 2021 HP laptop, using Windows 10, and have seen proof positive that yes, it can be done! Last time I restarted my computer, I guess the update took effect and suddenly I was able to see the HL-1440 from the printer options. SOO grateful for this. I really did NOT want to get rid of this printer, it is so well made and one of the few appliances I've ever owned, that didn't break!! You can see a pic of how it showed up in my printer options, here:
I LOVE my Brother HL-1440 printer. It's like 2 decades old, but it's the ONLY printer I have ever had, that WORKS, over and over again, CONSISTENTLY, with no problems! This thing is built like a workhorse - like a Toyota or Honda - and puts all other printers (the type with annoying bells and whistles) to SHAME. Toyota's motto was, you turn the key, and it goes. Well the HL-1440's motto should be, you turn it on, and it prints. It's the only printer that hasn't made me feel like I want to replay the scene from Office space where I take it out in a field and kick the **** out of it. Yeah, it's not a fancy printer, it only prints in black and white, and there's no scanner, but so what. 99% of the time, I just need a quick, clear black and white copy of something, and the HL-1440 delivers.
After several attempts to download or find the proper update to work with Windows 10 on my newer laptop, I was pulling my hair out. I felt like windows was forcing me to have to abandon this awesome printer, and get a new one. Great, just what we all need, let's fill our landfills with MORE computer waste! The only way I was able to get it to work, was to dig out my Acer laptop that's 6 years old and takes about 5 minutes to start. Every page loads about as fast as if I was using dialup. I had to transfer whatever I wanted to print, to this other laptop, and print it from there. Super time consuming, but it seemed like the only way to get it done.
In case this may help anyone, this is a screenshot of what it looks like, when you do the windows update. You can see the printer listed in the optional updates, right in the Optional Updates window.
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What's confusing is, when you do all the normal routes to search for your printer, you get the feeling that the download should be automatic, and windows will just find it and start downloading it for you (like it does with other things... I guess I've become spoiled). In the past, that prevented me from looking any further. I kinda thought, well if it didn't download automatically, then it must not be available. And when you read on the brother site that it's available through a windows update, it just makes you think, UGH (would be one thing if you KNEW it would work, but it doesn't seem worth the effort to even try it, and reconfigure God-knows-what-settings on your computer, only to find out that didn't work, either). SO many people must give up at that point, so I'm really grateful to have found this thread.
When your old printer isn't listed, it seems like there should be some kind of a popup that says something along the lines of, "hey, we see you're trying to download an older printer but we're not going to automatically install it for you, like you're expecting us to. You can only install it through windows update.... but you don't really have to do the whole update, just begin the process and that correct driver you've been searching for will suddenly appear in the update window. It'll be right there, because we can see you've been searching for it. We know you may not want to do a whole update, so, simply check the box next to the printer driver we found, and you can finally download it."
Obviously, there's no way windows is going to have a pop up message that says all of that.... that's just what I WISH they'd say : D
It would also be nice if the Brother site could have some kind of message that lets users know they do not have to do the entire windows update, in order to just install the driver.
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Anyway... thanks again to everyone on this thread who showed it really COULD be done!