Yahoo contacts list gone question

Apr 9, 2018
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today 9-4-2020 i go to compose an email and type in a letter to get a list of contacts with that letter and no contacts. so i check my contacts listing to the right of my email section and the contacts are gone. i figured it was just me so i had the wife try her pc and you guessed it her's is gone. they were there yesterday.

so does anyone have a cluse if this is a windows thing or maybe just yahoo? we got updates a day or so ago but if the update had anything to do with this i should have seen it yesterday.

it will not even let me create a contact, i tried to enter the wife as a contact as i remember her email and when i went to save it if failed.

thanks for any ideas.
Sep 26, 2017
Reaction score
I think Yahoo is a Webmail/Online E-Mail function of their site, like other Web offerings such as Hotmail, Gmail, [not Outlook], etc., so have you gotten in touch with them? Maybe they had a server go down, are rebuilding their software, some other issue?
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Hi CB,

are you using a 3rd party app like Windows Live Mail or Thunderbird?. :)
Nov 19, 2013
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Maye querying the obvious, but, you have ensured you are logged on to Yahoo? If you do check, make sure you tick, if one is available, "Stay logged in" or similar wording.
Apr 9, 2018
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yes yes and yes. i queried the internet as well and nothing. so as a last resort i ask here just in case they may have been some update that took it away. stranger things have happened. as of this morning nothing has returned. i have contacts in gmail. so the common denominator may be windows being they shove stuff on you that sometimes caused issues. i read more about windows having issues than yahoo mail. thanks anyway. it was worth a shot. the funny thing is i could not add any contact either.
Apr 9, 2018
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well for s/g i did a restore and they came back. but the restore never finished. after it ran for 1 hour i just turned of the pc and restarted it and the contacts came back. i have no idea why the restore took so long. i have done restore lots of times after installing a program that gave mt fits and the restore would take maybe 15 minutes. this time it said it was initializing for the whole time. so for some reason it got stuck in a loop. anyway if you have that maybe a restore will get them back. now to see how long they stay there. funny thing is the wife's pc has the same issue. so show will try this and see if her contact return. i think an update cause that.
Apr 9, 2018
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ok they disappeared again. this time i found out that on my chromebook i had them. so if they work on the chromebook then it has to be something on my pc. so i turned off my extensions one at a time and ublock is the issue. i turn it off and refresh and i have contacts i turn it on and refresh and they contact are gone. so does anyone happen to know what is going on with u block origin. i did uninstall it and reinstalled it and now to see if it works but has anyone else had these issues with ublock origin? i did not see any switches that i could have turn on that would cause it. also the wife has the same issue and i know she has not messed with ublock i have to make changes and i have not been on her pc for ever. thanks
Apr 9, 2018
Reaction score
thanks what i did was just remove it and then reinstall it and so far it is working good. i wonder if i accidentally hit block when the contact list was open and u block origin took them out. but if it happens again i may have to just go with out u block. thanks

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