Windows 10 sucks

Apr 3, 2015
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If this were a business machine I would partially agree. If this were my business I would want to decide whether or not sign in is necessary. This isn't the government. If I paid for the software it is my right to decide how to us it, not Microsoft.

That being said, is there away that when I soft or hard boot my pc I don't have to sign in anywhere and what would be the steps I would take. I only want to do this because as I stated earlier, for no apparent reason my password doesn't get accepted.
No you paid for the license to use Windows. What MS does with the login is it creates separate work areas to keep docs and other file separate for multi-users. It also protects you if you PC is stolen.
Apr 18, 2021
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No you paid for the license to use Windows. What MS does with the login is it creates separate work areas to keep docs and other file separate for multi-users. It also protects you if you PC is stolen.
This is the point that most people either ignore or don't understand. You don't own the copy of Windows that you run, you only own a license to use it. Part of that license (which you implicitly accept when you run Windows for the first time) is that you agree to accept all and any updates that Microsoft choose to provide.
Apr 18, 2021
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You don't seem to understand that does not matter. If the people as a whole force a change. It doesn't matter what MS wants to push at you.
It's a proprietary OS. How can people possibly 'force a change'? The only real control you have is to chose not to use it.
Nov 19, 2013
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Possibly Cliff means that if the feedback, for example, which is underused, was used more often, MS might lean over and modify minor issues.
I am not currently an insider, but I read that they are , even now, tending towards a couple of modifications in the taskbar and start menu
Last edited:
Apr 18, 2021
Reaction score
I say "people as a whole" and you can only see me as a single user. Damn that is so shortsighted.
Actually all I did in using the word 'people' was to quote your own post. TBH I don't understand why you're getting so worked up about this. C'est la vie.

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