Windows 10 Explorer issue

May 30, 2018
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I have a lot of music on my PC and I'm always searching my files to find stuff. I always search in details view but I cannot get it to show all details. Even though the tracks have the information like Length, year ,Genre on some tracks I cannot get everything to show. I work hard to make sure all of my tracks are tagged the exact same way. So all the information is there. Does anyone have any ideas what I can do?


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Column headers can be selected to display various properties of folder contents (tags), by right clicking a blank area of the column header section and choosing more and selecting which items you wish to be displayed.
Set it up for each folder containing music, making sure that the properties for each folder's "Customize" tab has "Music" selected under the section labeled "Optimize this folder for" to provide the appropriate selections.

For some reason the "Column headers" do not seem to be inherited from the parent container down through the child objects (folders and files).

Something you might try, while in your music folder that you have customized as "Music" and have subsequently configured all column headers to your preferred settings and arrangement.
Use the "View" tab and select the "Options" icon "Change folder and search options" link, View tab again to click the "Apply to Folders" button under the section labeled
"You can apply this view (such as Details and Icons) to all folder of this type."


Dec 9, 2023
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Have you been able to create a .txt file of a folder’s contents that includes those columns you added in the results? I’ve used dir > filelist.txt to create a file, but can not get it to include all the columns that I added and show in the right side panel of explorer
Sep 26, 2017
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Might check in Command Prompt and the commands available, it's pretty much the same as MS-DOS in DIR /? of a folder to show what is available. File Explorer, previous Windows Explorer and even older File Manager can simply be a graphical method of showing that information. Most times information about a file can only be obtained from the Properties of that file.

Example of what is available:
Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory.

DIR [drive:][path][filename] [/A[[:]attributes]] [/B] [/C] [/D] [/L] [/N]
[/O[[:]sortorder]] [/P] [/Q] [/R] [/S] [/T[[:]timefield]] [/W] [/X] [/4]

Specifies drive, directory, and/or files to list.

/A Displays files with specified attributes.
attributes D Directories R Read-only files
H Hidden files A Files ready for archiving
S System files I Not content indexed files
L Reparse Points O Offline files
- Prefix meaning not
/B Uses bare format (no heading information or summary).
/C Display the thousand separator in file sizes. This is the
default. Use /-C to disable display of separator.
/D Same as wide but files are list sorted by column.
/L Uses lowercase.
/N New long list format where filenames are on the far right.
/O List by files in sorted order.
sortorder N By name (alphabetic) S By size (smallest first)
E By extension (alphabetic) D By date/time (oldest first)
G Group directories first - Prefix to reverse order
/P Pauses after each screenful of information.
/Q Display the owner of the file.
/R Display alternate data streams of the file.
/S Displays files in specified directory and all subdirectories.
/T Controls which time field displayed or used for sorting
timefield C Creation
A Last Access
W Last Written
/W Uses wide list format.
/X This displays the short names generated for non-8dot3 file
names. The format is that of /N with the short name inserted
before the long name. If no short name is present, blanks are
displayed in its place.
/4 Displays four-digit years

Switches may be preset in the DIRCMD environment variable. Override
preset switches by prefixing any switch with - (hyphen)--for example, /-W.
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Have you been able to create a .txt file of a folder’s contents that includes those columns you added in the results? I’ve used dir > filelist.txt to create a file, but can not get it to include all the columns that I added and show in the right side panel of explorer
The thread is about eight years old. It was never marked as solved but I would imagine it is??

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