win10 install.

Aug 18, 2016
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Thanks Tim.
i'm going to download gigabyte drivers for win10 online.
Other than that , everything is absolutely peachy .
everything is working, got my email set up.
winrar, java, flash player, got it all.
i'm downloading my 1st game.
Can't wait.
Aug 18, 2016
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You know, the funny thing about the no signal to monitor,
was right in front of me all a long.

How many people have told me to check your connections, inc yourself.
The thing that seemed the most difficult, turns out to be
the simplest of things, yes?

I pondered at my old PC for awhile, noticed there was 2

wires(from power supply) that hooked up to the MoBo.
1 was the really big one 15 or 18 pin, something like that,
and the 2nd hook up was an 8 pin.
So, i said to myself, "self",
Your missing the 8 pin hook up on my new 650 watt thermaltake Psupply.
That's odd, shouldn't there be an 8 pin?
Well, son of a gun.

Thank God i had my other Psupply, which has the same specs as the other one.
I wonder if they sell a specific piece for that.
Aug 18, 2016
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Here's another one of those looks difficult ,but really it's simple.
I couldn't get any sound from
the rear or front panel with my
Spent hours trying to figure it out.
And there it was, right under my nose.
I hovered my mouse over the volume icon
and it said spdif something,
well son of a gun.
I changed it to Realtek speakers, duh!
May 6, 2015
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RE the power hook up. I have seen on a fresh out of the box powersupply that the 8pin connector is attached to the big connector and, if you don't need it, will just hang in space over the mobo. Might be worth looking at the new PSU to see if that is the case...if it is then it will detach easily.

I would be VERY surprised if a PSU manufactured after 2005 or so did not have the 2nd connector.
Aug 18, 2016
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Well, I thank everyone for their help in achieving my goal.
I'm a pretty happy camper.

Also, i don't understand why so many people are afraid of
I've done a lot of research on that.
There seems to be a lot of issues.
I've only had one issue.
I think those problems occur specifically when you have to upgrade from an existing
If your installing on a brand new PC, It's really not that

I haven't seen win7 or 8, 8.1 , but
i love win10.
Big improvement from XP.

I was still using my Old PC since they quit XP.
In the end, it was so bloody slow.
It would take at least 5-6 min to boot.
Webpages where slow and would freeze.
The never ending blue screen.
ahhh! What a relief.

So, to any of you win10 doubters out there, Go for it.
Esp the pro version.
Aug 18, 2016
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Now that I've received some help, esp
this forum, i'm going to continue to use this site,
so that i, may be able to help someone else in need.
Pay it forward.
My modo in life has always been,
What was freely given to me, must also be freely given away.

Aug 18, 2016
Reaction score
Time to wrap things up.
Again, thank you so much.
I love this planet.
There's so many good people.
People like Tim and Trouble, who go out of their way to share some of their knowledge.
And have a "no nose for profit".
I really wish i could shake your hand.
perfect gentleman, true scholar.

It's raining cats & dogs out here in the capital.
Good day for movies & games.

God Bless

P.S. Almost forgot. I may as well get rid of my username and
put my real name.
Rodney B.

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