Upgrading to Windows 10?? Don't do it..... STOP!

Feb 24, 2015
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ROFL! Long Island, New York hardly qualifies as "small" community. That's where my experience took place.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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I'm in no way trivializing your particular tribulation, I'm sure it was bad, and.....
IF the fine law enforcement officers of the NYPD were able to resolve you situation to your satisfaction and your stolen items were returned to you promptly, then all's well that ends well.
Since your particular experience did not involve any computers or associated data storage, I'm not sure that it applies generally across the board.
I can tell you, with some authority (having been a police officer myself for a brief period of time), a password will not protect your computer or its' contents.... NO more than your doors, windows and presumably LOCKS, protected your CB Base Station in your unfortunate experience.
Jul 6, 2016
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This updated version of windows makes me want to switch to Mac, and I've been using a windows PC since the beginning well almost the beginning my first was an Apple 2GS. I already lost a laptop due to the automatic update. I have to turn off my desktop after every use or my icons go super large and I have files randomly opened all over the place. I've run anti-virus software thinking that might be the problem. Nope it's 10. Going shopping soon I think. I'm a little sad it's like getting a divorce.
Nov 28, 2015
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Too late, I should have registered here first :)

It went well as far as I can tell, I keep my files on USB sticks so removed those first.
My original desktop picture is still there.

At first its said my Eset kernel has an error so I did a restart its now working ok.
Thanks Trouble!
I solved this. I upgraded everything to Linux Mint. Then I inslalled VM and put Win7 in it. Then I installed Wine for the few MS only programs I need. No problems since.
May 6, 2015
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I have uesed Unix, Xenix and Linux over the years as a developer and a User. Same with MS-Dos and Windows from 3.1 to 2000 and then XP and 7 as a user. Even a short ( fortunately!) time with OS/2. I used W10 from close to the beginning of the Insider program when it was REALLY unreliable.

But I did not use it on a machine with any valuable data. I NEVER ran any of the Anti-virus programs apart from Windows Defender and it worked fine for me. So I upgraded my 'production' PC July 2015 and it all worked well. I did put off upgrading my wife's Vista era PC which had been upgraded to 7 until we had another new machine for her with W10 and all her stuff moved and tested. As it happened, the old clunker ( old 3 core AMD cpu) upgraded with no problem.

I watch a few blogs and this and one other W10 sites and I feel there are some things wrong deep inside W10 and they can be provoked by out of date AV programs and not-quite-uptodate-drivers for some common devices.
I do have confidence that these bugs will be found and cured. I well believe that many millions of users have had no trouble with W10.
Jul 30, 2015
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Sorry, took me so long to respond - had a personal problem. The friend did upgrade to that 'factory' setting, but hiw WLM was not as the previous one and I guess his wife had some problems., so, luckily he did have an "image" and restored it. So I guess he's all set. Thanks for all the iformation. I,m using WLM as it was upgraded from Win 7, so far no problems. Thanks again!
Sep 19, 2016
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With the end of the "free" upgrade offer for Windows 10 ending July 29th and the much anticipated Anniversary Update rumored for August 2nd, I anticipate some folks who have been holding off upgrading may decide to take the leap.
AND even those already running Windows 10 build 10586 Threshold, will probably be going to the newer Redstone release with the Anniversary Update, when it becomes available. This is not going to be a small update and will likely look like a new OS install during the process. It's actually a pretty big deal.

My concern is that, as we've seen on this forum, many will perform one or the other of these two tasks without first, backing up all their critically important data (documents, pictures, music, etc., etc.,) and will find, that for some reason or another the upgrade did not go according to plan.
Panic will ensue and they'll resort to Google to address the issue, where they may find a potential solution or what is more likely, make the situation worse.

I strongly recommend that you Image your disk prior to the going forward with either of these two tasks
With any number of options.... most providing at least a limited free trial version.

There is no good excuse for not being able to safely and reliably recover in the event of a catastrophic event or if you decide you simply don't like or want Windows 10.
At least at a bare minimum you make every effort to back up all your critical data to an external resource, like USB attached storage, but even if it means that you have to burn it to DVD..... make sure that you have a good backup.
I have been running the new upgrade with no problems as of yet all is stable and every program works well..
Oct 1, 2014
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I went to get an eye exam yesterday. The doctor and I were discussing Win 10 since it was on their systems. She told me their IT guy allowed Win 10 to install on some device, like a camera, they used and it took seven weeks to get it back in service....
Oct 30, 2016
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With the end of the "free" upgrade offer for Windows 10 ending July 29th and the much anticipated Anniversary Update rumored for August 2nd, I anticipate some folks who have been holding off upgrading may decide to take the leap.
AND even those already running Windows 10 build 10586 Threshold, will probably be going to the newer Redstone release with the Anniversary Update, when it becomes available. This is not going to be a small update and will likely look like a new OS install during the process. It's actually a pretty big deal.

My concern is that, as we've seen on this forum, many will perform one or the other of these two tasks without first, backing up all their critically important data (documents, pictures, music, etc., etc.,) and will find, that for some reason or another the upgrade did not go according to plan.
Panic will ensue and they'll resort to Google to address the issue, where they may find a potential solution or what is more likely, make the situation worse.

I strongly recommend that you Image your disk prior to the going forward with either of these two tasks
With any number of options.... most providing at least a limited free trial version.

There is no good excuse for not being able to safely and reliably recover in the event of a catastrophic event or if you decide you simply don't like or want Windows 10.
At least at a bare minimum you make every effort to back up all your critical data to an external resource, like USB attached storage, but even if it means that you have to burn it to DVD..... make sure that you have a good backup.
Too bad I hadn't read this before the automatic update occurred. most people are living their lives and do not even know about this "anniversary" update. I am currently using my phone because I cannot use my PC anymore or at least not until Monday when Microsoft support groups will actually open up and help people. really how could I have been informed about the update previously?
Feb 11, 2016
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Run From Windows 10, It's PURE crap as my avatar indicates. You'll see after a few updates. Microsoft Chat will be your only friend. It's the most unstable OS I Have ever seen. Many corrupt versions out there too
Feb 11, 2016
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Windows 10 runs like it's still in beta....Problems are mainly with stubborn updates, that refuse application and usually require Microsoft tech support to install. Windows 10 is TEDIOUS at best. My Avatar IS my opinion of Winblows 10.
Nov 19, 2013
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I have not had the problems, or hate campaign, don sigler is constantly subjecting us to on this Windows 10 help forum. But I would point out that it has improved considerably since this outdated , revived thread, was started..
Perhaps, Don, you could make better use of your computer by returning to whatever your previously used.
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Mar 14, 2017
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My upgrade process Windows 10 was good, suddenly power went off, and I had to start over. If it continues, it really is not complete. It's sad to be interrupted
Dec 25, 2017
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The theme that none of you comfy, satisfied nerds seem to have touched upon is the issue of CONTROL. For the experienced (35 years) but non-nerd user, who has paid and will go on paying for this MS service, Win 10 and the monster OneDrive seem to be doing their own thing most of the time – especially backing up, synching, etc, for long periods at a time – and then occasionally give back to you, the user, the possibility to use the system for your own ends and purposes.

Amongst other things, OneDrive Monster gobbles everything : whilst it is synching, yet again, the user cannot even perform a search function in Outlook, to trace some mail or address or correspondent to whom s/he needs to reply. All bets are off. Everything stops – until ODM has finished that particular session and hands back the system to the poor sucker who has paid for it.

In fact, it dawns on the user, at least at this level, that this is the very nature of the new, rental system for MS users. OMD takes over, gobbles, analyses or generally plays with one’s data, just to show who’s the real owner . . . If this experience sounds familiar to anyone, I’d be glad of comment, preferably helpful. Remember, I’m only an ITsucker. If there’s no way of getting round this, I’d better sign out and join Linux.
Sep 26, 2017
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I for one am glad I don't experience any major issues with Win10, mostly with third-party programs/programmers.

I've always felt if one didn't like their OS they could join the open-source people such as Linux and write their own OS as they wish it. And if one thinks Apple's macOS and the older MAC OS X systems are fool-proof they will learn differently the longer they use it, at least now their Upgrades are no longer being charged for.
Nov 5, 2015
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"....don't experience any major issues with Win10, mostly with third-party programs..."

Third party? Like Microsoft?! NONE of my microsoft software (Office, Word, Excel, Outlook, Media Player, and even Windows 10 itself) works well anymore. Some I can't get to function at all (Outlook).

When I have any problems, I have to use my Linux computer to get online to get windows help. How f***d up is that? And that "help" itself is horrible. Random suggestions from all over the web of varying quality until (if I'm lucky) I stumble upon a solution.

Update can't be disabled, which often means lost time and work when whatever I'm doing is suspended and/or completely abandoned. (Not to mention Update unsetting my settings.)

Then, there's the minor issues, which there are plenty.

Windows 10 has been, by far, the worst. I'd go back to Windows 7 if I could....but of course, Microsoft won't allow that, either.

And, just to add insult to injury, the e-mail that brought me here prefaced with, " we'll do our best to help." Which is TOTAL bull. Microsoft consistently answers EVERY question and concern with, "Do it our way. You don't want what you think you want, and we won't let you."
May 6, 2015
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Windows 10 works well for and has down since the early Insider builds. The office products work well for me as well...although I don't use any MS products for mail.

I don't have a problem with updates although the new stuff they add in each release gets less and less useful. Probably because I don't work on my laptop in a Starbucks and continually meet my friends there and do social media stuff. Just an old fogey I guess.

FWIW I was a Linux user for some time as well.
Feb 18, 2016
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Tim I agree with you. Just the basic OS is fine with me too. No need for the fancy apps or MS mail. I use my ISP Bell mail. Office 2010 also works fine, never had a problem since the install. I've not experienced any problems with Win 10 other than the odd glitch with the initial upgrade.

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