"Pretty anticlimactic. "
Hmm. Well, I was finally tempted and grabbed the ISO. Interesting experience. I first ran a clean install. Installed in about 10 to 15 minutes, but, everything OK except a totlallly empty Right clcik function - lots of little boxes bur no text! Updated the graphics, went back to earlier graphics - no change.
So, next step. Installed keeping all my data - Prefect!
But, your quote, On examination, I think the whole project looks pretty "antclimatic"
I ran it alongside an identical laptop, with my working current Windows 10. I could not dtect any difference in contents or performance. Lot of guys in Microsoft being over paid , I fear.
Certainly, if the rumours are true, I will be opting for the release which will not be subjected to updates.
A little off topic, but, fwiw,
Under many recommendations from posts, I have recently tried Linux Mint and, running currently, Zorin - a Windows Look alike.
No complaints, a little different to work with, but I am not seeing anything startlingly different from what I can achieve in Windows.