SOLVED Screen Display Dims Every Time My Laptop Computer Boots Up

Jul 18, 2016
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I upgraded my 2 laptop computers both from Windows 7 to Windows 10. On the first one, I did not have a problem but on my second one that had a bigger spec, I'm having trouble with the display.

Every time I reboot, the computer starts in the normal way and once most of the start-up programs have booted, the screen then dims to a point where it is difficult to see.

If I then go to settings on the start menu and go to the display tab, I can adjust the brightness level on the slider. The trouble is, when doing this, the "Apply" button does not become active and it stays greyed out so I cannot click on it to keep it at the level I want. When I reboot the computer, then the whole procedure happens again, the screen goes dim, and the slider in system settings is back at its lowest setting once more and I have to adjust the brightness level again.

I've also looked at some power plans and tried to change some of them but still I cannot stop the display dimming on boot up.

Please can somebody tell me how to overcome this and what I may be doing wrong? I would be most appreciative of this if somebody knows the answer as it is driving me crazy.

Thank you

Feb 18, 2016
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You don't mention if your running on the battery or laptop power supply?
Have you tried Checking the battery saver settings?
Click on Start > Settings > System > Battery saver. When your in the battery saver settings, you have the option to turn the battery saver ON/OFF.
On the same settings page Click on "Battery saver settings" and uncheck "Lower screen brightness while in battery saver" if the option is checked.
Jul 18, 2016
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You don't mention if your running on the battery or laptop power supply?
Have you tried Checking the battery saver settings?
Click on Start > Settings > System > Battery saver. When your in the battery saver settings, you have the option to turn the battery saver ON/OFF.
On the same settings page Click on "Battery saver settings" and uncheck "Lower screen brightness while in battery saver" if the option is checked.

Hi Norton,

Thanks for your reply.

Firstly, I am disabled so my laptop is plugged in all the time.

Secondly, I went to battery saver settings as per your suggestion and none of the boxes are checked including the one that says, "Lower screen brightness while in battery saver."

The laptop is still dimming on start-up even with those boxes unchecked.

I even checked the top box ("Turn battery saver on automatically if my battery falls below") and put it to its lowest setting (5%) but the laptop still dims on start-up.

Have you or anybody else got any other ideas why this is happening?




Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Check here
Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Power Options\Edit Plan Settings
See if disabling Adaptive Brightness helps at all

Feb 18, 2016
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Trouble I was just going to suggest the same. I checked my adaptive brightness (Dell Laptop) both battery and power adaptive brightness are turned "OFF"
Jul 18, 2016
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Okay in power options/Advanced settings I clicked on "Display" "Enable adaptive brightness" I set the "On battery" & "Plugged in" to off. That still did not cure the problem and the computer dimmed on boot up once more.

I also tried "Display brightness" in the same folder and set the battery at 70% and "Plugged in" at 80%. As soon as I did that, the screen went brighter. Then I clicked "Apply" and then "OK." But when I booted up, the screen went back to being dimmed again.

In the same folder, I also tried dimmed display brightness. "On battery" it was 50% and "Plugged in" it was 100%. This still did not cure the problem.

I even changed the drop down window in Power options > Advanced settings near where it says, "Change settings that are currently unavailable" and I changed the drop down window to high-performance. Still no joy.

I even changed the option to a custom plan and came off of "Balanced" (recommended) in the power options page and still it dims on start-up. I am getting to the point where I am thinking there is something wrong or I need an update or new driver of some sort. On top of trying all this, if I go into Settings > Display and I move the slider up on "Adjust brightness level," the computer does get brighter but I cannot click on the "Apply" button because it is inactive and greyed out. When I reboot, the slider is back at its lowest setting once more and the screen dims on start-up again.

Is there anything else anybody can think of that I may not have done to cure this problem?

I'm thinking of going back to back to Windows 7 and then coming back to Windows 10 again to start again with a clean sheet. Would I be allowed to do that?


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Feb 18, 2016
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If it's a SONY laptop you have a problem. I read that Sony have (had) a video driver problem with windows 10.
There were many Sony laptop users with exactly the same problem as you described. Some rolled back the video driver and it seemed to fix temporarily.
Jul 18, 2016
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It's not a Sony. I bought it from PC Specialist. They custom make them for you and so I had it custom made.

Perhaps I should ring them and ask if there is a driver update that needs installing.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Perhaps I should ring them and ask if there is a driver update that needs installing.
That sounds like a plan.
IF it started life as a Windows 7 computer, there could very well be any number of drivers that may require attention.
I would also ask them about a possible BIOS update. It's possible that the motherboard firmware may need updating to work well with Windows 10.
Feb 18, 2016
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Heathsideboy Had you had mentioned that "it was a Win 7 custom built machine by PC Specialist for you, I believe you would have been informed upfront to give them a call.

Let us know how you make out with the screen problem.
Jul 18, 2016
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Sorry about that. You're right, I should have mentioned that earlier but I thought it was only to do with the operating system. Now, come to think of it, I did not have this problem on my older, Dell laptop when I upgraded to Windows 10.

I've already sent PC Specialist an email telling them about the problem and if there are drivers that need to be updated or installed.

I'm thinking of downgrading back to Windows 7 and then upgrading back up to Windows 10 again just to try and see if that works and I start again from a clean Windows 10.

Do you happen to know that if I downgrade to Windows 7, will everything be exactly the same as I had it before I upgraded to Windows 10?

Will all my original files/folders/programmes & applications and the exact same system be identical before I upgraded to Windows 10?


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Jul 18, 2016
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I won't want to install any apps that have been lost so that does not matter.

The reason is because after going back to Windows 7, then all I want to do is go back to Windows 10 again so that I have a pristine new version of Windows 10 once more.

All I want to know is that if I rollback to Windows 7 that the update to upgrade back to Windows 10 is still there.
Jul 18, 2016
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Okay, the problem has now been solved by the manufacturers where I bought the PC.

It turns out that I had a Hotkey in Windows 7 that lights up the keyboard. With the Hotkey, came a control panel so you could choose what colours to have on the keyboard.

When upgrading to Windows 10, the manufacturers told me that there was no drivers available yet for this function to work on Windows 10.

By uninstalling the Hotkey control panel, this stopped the computer dimming each time it loaded. How the manufacturers found it was by disabling start-up programs and then putting them back one by one. By a process of elimination, they eventually found the culprit which was the Hotkey control panel.

The screen does not dim on boot up of the computer now . My keyboard does not light up with the choice of colours I had before, but that is no big deal. They have since told me that because Windows 10 is fairly new, there are no drivers at this point in time for the particular laptop PC that I have. Apparently, new drivers are in the pipeline and once these are available, then I can have the computer as it was in Windows 7.

This is why the other Dell laptop computer I have did not show this problem and it was only shown in my PCSpecialist computer. The Hotkey was only present in my PCSpecialist computer.

I thought it best that I explain this situation as you never know, someone else may come across this problem and this may be of some help.

Thanks for your help and I have now marked the thread as solved.

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Feb 18, 2016
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Thanks for posting the solution to your problem. It will help other members.
Aug 14, 2017
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This is the only forum where I could find a discussion about this problem without the antidote of changing screen brightness, adjusting dimmer, and replacing hardware parts.

I am having trouble disabling hot keys for a reboot. I did disable all start up procedures and my screen successfully did not dim! Can you go over the steps again on how to disable the hot key/
Jul 18, 2016
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Hi lbc400z2freedom,

There is half your answer there. When you disabled all the start-up procedures, your screen successfully did not dim on start-up. This means that one or more of those start-up programs is causing the problem.

With me, because I went from Windows 7 and upgraded to Windows 10, a particular start-up program that used to work with Windows 7 did not with Windows 10.

What I did to find the culprit was one by one, disable the start-up programs until I found the right one that was causing the dimming on start-up of the laptop. By process of elimination, I eventually found which one it was that was causing the problem.

In my case I found it was a 'Hotkey' control panel that controlled the lighting on my laptop keyboard. I uninstalled this control panel program that was meant for Windows 7 and this then stopped the laptop from dimming on start-up in Windows 10.

Try this procedure and let us know how you get on. You may find that your problem start-up program will be different to mine. Once you find it, uninstall it and see if your PC stops dimming on start-up.

You may need new drivers for your particular program to work with Windows 10. In my case, there were no new drivers available. All this meant for me was that I could not light up my keyboard in different colours in Windows 10 as it used to in Windows 7. This was no big deal for me because it stopped the dimming problem and that was far more important to me.

Hope that makes sense.

Good luck!

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Apr 14, 2020
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Hi Heathsideboy, i also have the same problems as yours. I don't know much about laptops but could you walk me through the whole process of how you disable startup programs so that i could find which one caused the dim problems? im not sure how to do that and im scared i will make it worse.
Jul 18, 2016
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Hi Federico,

If you read lbc400z2freedom's post and my reply below it, that sort of gives you the answer on how to find the culprit.

If you are still stuck with that,

How do I disable programs from startup on Windows 10?

Step 1. Right-click on an empty area on the Taskbar and select Task Manager.

Step 2. When Task Manager comes up, click the Startup tab and look through the list of programs that are enabled to run during startup. Then to stop them from running, right-click the program and select Disable.

Or, If You Want Even More Detail

How to Disable Start-Up Programs on Windows 10

Let me know if that helps.


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