Hello and welcome to the forum.
You're not alone, I've been reading about this issue on some other Windows 10 forums.
Can you advise as to what specific printer Manufacturer and Model Number this problem occurs with?
I'm hoping that in about two and a half weeks on the 21st the next build will (fingers crossed) resolve some of these lingering oddities with Windows 10.
SOURCE: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/...-working/7433653b-90cc-430c-baa4-7959f265e947
The issue seems to be unique to build 9879 and perhaps even unique to the 64 bit version although I can't say for certain.
Hey Trouble, I wanted to thank you for your post, checking the two Printer settings (LDP & LPR) has solved the printer spooling issue for me under Win10, 64 bit. Thanks again!