Pressing G opens up internet explorer

Jun 26, 2017
Reaction score
Okay so i'm on windows 10 and whenever i press the letter G on my keyboard, it always opens up a tab on google chrome. I tried uninstalling chrome thinking it was the app but then when i pressed G again it opened a new tab on internet explorer. If i press g a lot of times it opens multiple tabs. This sucks because whenever i'm playing a game and i press the letter G, it opens up an internet tab and takes me out of my game. Restarting the computer didn't work. Please help, this is really annoying.


Mar 4, 2016
Reaction score
Hi Spiterbitre,

Welcome to the Forum.

Some games when installed bundle extra software [ for example: Hotkey ] which allows the keyboard to be used for shortcuts. It is possible you have inadvertently installed something like hotkey and not realized it.

In your search box type control panel then press Enter key
  • In the upper right area of the Control panel check you are Viewing by Category
  • Now click on Uninstall a program and review the list of installed programs. If one there is for hotkeys uninstalling it ought to prevent the issue.

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