New Edge Chromium

Dec 18, 2017
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windows wants you to use the new edge as it makes good money for them.
windows will push edge on you but you can switch to another
Lots of other browsers out there and most of them work better than new edge
Nov 19, 2013
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Since the first day in the computer world, when there became more than one browser, pundits have been comparing and criticising browsers. With so many, now, on the market, this "war" continues. I see criticism of all browsers in turn, not just edge.
Another unreal factor to consider is, that in spite of the vast use of Microsoft products, there is a large section of computer users who are out to knock anything that comes from Microsoft
I am not a lover of Microsoft, as a company, but to date I have been satisfied with the quality of their products, including Edge Chrome.
Nov 19, 2013
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I have been using it since if first arrived. I like the new features that have been added, that are not in Chrome. Collections is very handy to store pages related to a topic that will only be of temporary use. I would like then to go back to the "Pin to Start" option for web pages. I also have Edge on my android phone. This allows me to continue a page on the computer that I found on the phone.
Pin to start is still there, in a fashion. If, in the drop down menu, you select "Apps", and then "Install this site as an App", it puts the "App" in the Start menu and on the Desktop.
Nov 19, 2013
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Chromium Edge is fine for me except for one issue. When using split-screen mode to view, for example, a checking account in right portion of screen and Quicken Deluxe in left portion, Quicken takes over entire screen! This problem didn't happen with previous versions of Edge and still doesn't with Internet Explorer. I've complained about the problem on this forum and to Quicken to no avail. I complained to Microsoft and was told they fixed the problem, but they haven't.
I followed the instructions on the site shown in my example:



Dec 19, 2015
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My computer adviser advised me to dump my last Browser because Microsoft was not supporting it anymore. I can understand that because over time and after many changes any system is more likely to have problems so its better to create a new one. Having said that perhaps its time for someone to offer a review of which is the best browser to use.
Nov 19, 2013
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These forums are not in the business of offering comparison tables, although you will get many varying opinions.

Have a look at this page for an impartial comparison.
Jun 9, 2017
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You should use whatever works best for you. I hated the old edge, like the new Cromedge, still have IE in case I run into a website that won't work on the New Edge, I have uninstalled Google Chrome doesn't need it and it's information collecting any longer. Those are my preferences. I have Google as my default Search Engine Bing still doesn't do much for me. All of them work on Windows 10 as far as I know.
Mar 9, 2017
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Who is using this and do you like it. How does it compare to your favorite browser?
A great improvement over old Edge, it's quicker, problems in syncing fav, history etc across devices has gone away, and code now fully conforms
Who is using this and do you like it. How does it compare to your favorite browser?
I use Web heavily for data research. Much better than old Edge, problems syncing favourites etc across devices have gone, code now conforms with W3C standards so no more websites rejecting access or msgs about using an out of date browser, I used to have to use Firefox for sites that old Edge was cranky with.
Msoft designed IE, being a first out of the gate browser, to their own standards not conforming to W3C when that came along. Old Edge inherited some of those issues as they used IE core. At last those problems done. I shun/fear Chrome for all the user data they harvest and insidious code it writes into user's computer' root code. New Edge is cleaner - Msoft had promised and does seem to be

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