Need a Windows 10 up-to-date installation file

Jul 27, 2016
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Above is exactly what I did. I downloaded and installed the second file for 64bit W10. Did I miss a step?

This is the file I downloaded:

Windows10Upgrade9252 02.10.2017.exe

This is the file on my thumb drive:

windows10.0-kb4020102-x64_9d406340d67caa80a55bc056e50cf87a2e7647ce 06.09.2017.msu

(Notice I added the date at the end of the filename. Common practice for me.)
Oct 26, 2016
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That was not the media creation tool but the online update instead. This is what you need:

Jul 27, 2016
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Thank you. for clarifying that. OK, so now I've downloaded the media creation tool. Where do I use the other file I downloaded?
Oct 26, 2016
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With the media creation tool you are going to create the bootable Flash drive. Start the Media Creation Tool:
first you have to agree with the terms.
then you will see the following:




after that let the MCT create your bootable flash drive. If that is done you can download the most recent updates from the catalog and put it on the drive as well (e.g. a new folder named "Updates").
Since today was update day there will be three updates to download:

The Cumulative Update KB4022725
the Update for the Adobe flash player KB4022730
the Servicing stack update KB4022405

With those updates on the flash drive you will always have an up-to-date installation medium (Just remember to change the updates every month when they will be released.

I hope this is a good way to keep your PC up and running (It is at least for me). Of course with the Flash drive you can also repair your computer (just like you could with a Installation DVD).
The flash drive has a big advantage compared to the DVD: a DVD, once it is finalized, cannot be added on anymore. The flash drive however can always be changed with newer updates.

BTW: You can discard the KB4020102. The new KB4022725 does include this one...
Jul 27, 2016
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Thank you again - you've been more than generous with your time and knowledge. I'll give this a try tomorrow (Wednesday).
Jul 27, 2016
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Completed - but my MCT didn't have that checkbox (Use the recommended options for this computer). I wonder why.

Now, To perform a repair install, what are the next steps. The version of windows I have on the flash drive is up-to-date (No???). Then, do I run the Cumulative Update, the update for Flash Player and the service stack update individually.
Oct 26, 2016
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Completed - but my MCT didn't have that checkbox (Use the recommended options for this computer). I wonder why.

Now, To perform a repair install, what are the next steps. The version of windows I have on the flash drive is up-to-date (No???). Then, do I run the Cumulative Update, the update for Flash Player and the service stack update individually.

I'd like you to do one more step before we go into the repair process: Please do a click on the media creation tool and look up the properties. There click on the register "details".

What you are shown now, should look like this:


I just want to make sure that we are on the same page. If this is the case, can you still boot into your system you want to repair?? You never mentioned why you wanted to do a repair.

If you still can boot into it, you could simply start the "setup.exe" on your flash drive. This will upgrade respective repair your installation without harming your files or installed programs. At least this is what I think will happen cause I have never done it this way (I always considered a clean install only ).

If you cannot boot into your system, you need to boot from your flash drive. Usually it will give you two options if I remember correctly:

1. Install now

2. Repair your computer

Option 2 is only working if you have the creators update on your computer (if you have, follow the instructions).

If you don't, option 1 is the way to go

You have to go through a few windows (including the version - HOME,PRO, SINGLE Language and EDUCATION - choose the one you have previously installed) until you get to choose between UPGRADE and CUSTOM:INSTALL WINDOWS ONLY

the first choice lets you keep all your files and programs, the second will delete everything on your computer (That means you have to install all the drivers, programs etc. again)

From here on you have to run its course until the install/Upgrade is finished. By the time you are finished installing you can install the three updates you downloaded earlier but leave the cumulative update for last (the other two do not require a restart).

After all is said and done you will have a (hopefully) working system again. I hope I was able to convey a step by step guide that you can understand (I sometimes can get too far ahead of myself and expect the same knowledge I have from others. I know that is never the case)...

I hope you get your system back up running with what I have told you....

Good Luck from me...

Last edited:
Jul 27, 2016
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Hello Grizzly!!

My Windows 10 works - but has some glitches that I'm hoping a repair install will fix. sfc /scannow shows no problems. Also, I keep two images of my drive which I update almost every day. If I screw up my system, I just use the image to get back to where I was.

My "Details" looks just like yours.

I can't consider a clean install because I have too many programs to reinstall. It would take me forever - trust me on this one.

I have the Creator's update and Anniversary update on my system.

The Windows 10 Pro x64 is now in the root directory of the flash drive. I also have folders for the Flash Player, Servicing Stack Update and the Cumulative Update. However, I haven't downloaded those updates yet because I need more help from you to do this.

Option 1 is a clean install, yes? If so, it is out of the question as I explained above. Whatever I do, I need to keep my files and programs as they are. I hope I answered all your concerns in your last post.

Now I need help in downloading those three updates and put them in their proper folders. I also need another briefing on where to get them and how to find out when new ones are available. This is the only part that I haven't been able to keep up with you on.

Question: I'm curious why you don't keep a backup flash drive.

PS: I use Macrium Reflect 7 (paid version) for my backups.
Oct 26, 2016
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Option 1 is for a clean install as well it is for an upgrade.As I said above:
.... until you get to choose between UPGRADE and CUSTOM:INSTALL WINDOWS ONLY
the first choice lets you keep all your files and programs, the second will delete everything on your computer (That means you have to install all the drivers, programs etc. again)

The updates
The Cumulative Update KB4022725, the Update for the Adobe flash player KB4022730, the Servicing stack update KB4022405 you can get from the update catalog mentioned earlier. When new ones become available just look here in the news section. Someone will be posting new updates even if it is not me. Generally you can expect new updates on every second Tuesday of a month.
To answer your question regarding a backup flash drive: I do not feel the necessity to have one due to the fact that I not only have an flash drive for installation but I also have and ISO stored on my storage computer. If my flash drive gives out, I make simply a new one from the ISO as even the ISO contains always the newest updates.
Jul 27, 2016
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Thank you again! I'm getting ready to take a trip to Rhode Island on Wednesday - so I won't be trying the repair install until sometime after my trip. I'll be sure to let you know how everything goes.

Oh, I've been meaning to ask: Aren't the Director's Update and the Creator's update included in the Cumulative Updates? If not, if I ever do a clean install, I'll have to remember to know this - and why (or why not).

Also, why do you update the Adobe Flash Player with this method - and not any other utilities or programs? Flash Player always notifies you when an update is available. Thanks.......

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Oct 26, 2016
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Never heard about a "Director's Update" and no, they are not included in the Cumulative updates. That's what you made the flash drive for. The cumulative updates are bug fixes and improvements for the different versions of Windows. Here is a flashback to the past on how Windows 10 became to be:

Initial Version of Windows 10 was Build 10240
November Update became Build 10586
Anniversary Update was Build 14393 (a.k.a. Redstone 1)
and currently most recent the Creators Update build 15063 (a.k.a. Redstone 2).

In Fall of this year Microsoft will add another built so far called Redstone 3....

The Adobe Flash player is updated either offline or any time Windows 10 checks for new updates. I do not know why Flash player is still supported as more and more Browsers distance themselves from it as it is apparently not a safe plugin. It will probably go the same way activex went for the Internet Explorer.

BTW: the three updates (Cumulative Update, Servicing Stack Update and Flash player update) are the standard updates Microsoft always provides, so why no put them on the flash drive as well?? That way you have all updates you need for offline installation and if one goes online, there may only be updates for Windows Defender and the Malicious Software Removal Tool. These are minor compared to the Cumulative updates.

Have a nice trip....
Jul 27, 2016
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Sorry about me talking about a Director's Update - I meant the Anniversary Update. So the flash drive update does include the Anniversary update and the Creator's update?

And it will include Redstone 3 also?

Thanks for the wish for a great trip.
Oct 26, 2016
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The flash drive if made with the most recent Media creation tool contains ONLY the creators update. For the Anniversary update you need a different media creation tool which MS does not provide anymore. Redstone3 will be a new system again and will have another media creation tool again....
Jul 27, 2016
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My flash drive is completed (thank you again) and it boots my machine. Now I'm ready to test it on my second (clean install) as described in the next paragraph.

I have a second partition on my hard drive which has a clean install of windows 10 - and I'd like to use my new flash drive to update this clean install. Is there a way to do this? This installation has absolutely no updates since I haven't used it since it was installed

How can I tell which updates I have (Anniversary and Creator specifically)? I think I installed both in my working i(primary) installation of Windows 10 - but can't remember for sure.
Oct 26, 2016
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The only way to do this is to boot into the clean install. When starting up your computer you should be given a choice which version of Windows 10 you want to start (there should be two Windows 10 Installations showing if I interpret you post correctly). If I remember correctly, the Top one should be your old one (Anniversary update I assume) and the second one should be the new Creators update. Start this one and use your flash drive to update it. Install the Flashplayer update and the Servicing stack update first as they do not require a restart. after that you can install the Cumulative Update (that is the biggest file of the updates). After installation of the CU you need to restart anyway but when the choice comes back on screen choose the right one to boot back in the creators update. You can easily find out which one is which: Go into settings (the cogwheel) then click on SYSTEM.
Scroll down until you see [ABOUT]. click on that and it will show you the Version and build. (The creators update shows up as 1703 build 15063.413). If you see anything else you are in the other Installation (anniversary update which shows up as 1607 build 14393.1358 I think it is)....

I am not quite sure though why you have two installations of Windows 10 on your hard drive or did I missunderstood something??
Jul 27, 2016
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OK, followed your instructions (thank you) and my primary installation apparently doesn't have the Creator's Update. I have version 1607. Sorry, my mistake. I have a 1TB SSD for a primary drive - my data is on another drive. I originally installed W10 on top of W7 - and I have some glitches. So, I want to do a repair install to see if that will fix them. In case I have to reinstall all my programs, I made a separate partition and installed W10 from scratch. Now, I want to keep it updated. You have shown me the way.

One thing I don't understand: With the flash drive, you told me to boot from it. I understand I will be updated outside of W10. But if I update my clean install on the other partition, I will be doing it from within W10. There's a big difference. Do I understand correctly?
Oct 26, 2016
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One thing I don't understand: With the flash drive, you told me to boot from it. I understand I will be updated outside of W10. But if I update my clean install on the other partition, I will be doing it from within W10. There's a big difference. Do I understand correctly?

Only boot from it when you want to do either a repair or a fresh install. Since you have a separate partition made already with the newer Windows 10 (Creators update), you just have to boot into that one and will be able to update it via the updates you downloaded on your flash drive....
Jul 27, 2016
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I just tried my new flash drive tool. A clean install was not an option. Please walk me through which choices in the menus I should make. Thanks.

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