Hi Aputernut,
Good to hear from you. No need to bold your reply, I'm here. Only deaf in one ear.

I didn't mean to offend you if I did. It is nice to hear from someone with your positive outlook.

God knows we need lots of positive these days. I am fairly new to the forum but read you are a veteran whom hasn't posted for a while. Hope you are back more frequently now. .
As to my comments on software rent, isn't an annual fee to use software sorta like renting software? To me it is the same as renting anything else.
It isn't a secret that Microsoft intends on charging us an annual fee for their OS going forward. Don't be thinking it is going to be free.

Just go into their new software store and have a peek. Although there are some free apps, most of them want an annual fee. The free upgrade is just shoring up the shareholders investment.
Like I say Aputernut, going forward, we will no longer be able to purchase out-right a software package from MS. We will however be able to rent the software on a per year basis.
Take a look at our beloved Solitaire, and Freecell games that used to be free(to help us gain mouse skills). Now if you want them free, they are bloated with add ware ( to make money). To remove the add ware, we can open our wallets and pay either a monthly fee, or a yearly fee. Not so free anymore!
Same goes for Office, although I've heard different things... I am happy with Office 10, but I am sure Microsoft will put an end to that happiness soon.

And i believe I already uninstalled some new apps from the win 10 update that wanted rent.
Nothing is ever free, especially these greed filled times!

But it is what it is.
Cheers, allan
P.S. From my recent attitude, it hard to tell I've been a rock solid supporter of Microsoft for over 3 decades now. Since DOS 1.0 . But I have been there. Just disappointed these days...