MS Denies Forcing Win 10 Upgrade

Feb 22, 2014
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I've seen software and hardware that has needed a repair install after upgrading to Windows 10. That includes some older version of Microsoft Office as well. Not even Microsoft's software is safe from glitches during upgrades. This is why I and many others recommend clean installs. You will never see me trusting in an upgrade install for longer than it takes to perform a clean install. That choice however is yours to make. I can't help you further though until you do.
Jun 16, 2016
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Sage next time before you upgrade get rid of (uninstall) any existing software, that may cause a failure or create a glitch, I upgraded my 3/ W8.1's and 1/ W7 laptops & desktops, back starting on July 29th. 2015 and have had not one problem. Since then I have chatted with many who have had problems due to leaving software on such as anti virus software and or registry fixes, malware scanners etc. the only ones that should be left on are W Defender and Security essentials. all others can be installed back later. Be sure to have W10 save your files when asked.

but when its done behind your back the option to uninstall etc isnt there, mine upgraded without my knowledge now i got no left click, cortana dont work and no internet explorer, no option to rollback either,,,,,not happy
Jul 23, 2015
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I've tried upgrading to Windows 10 from 7 twice now. I had to revert back to Windows 7 because of the problems that I couldn't fix in 10. Most likely, because I've seen the same problems mentioned here, MS is working to fix the problems. I'd just as soon use the freebie update but not if I gain problems. Even if I need to pay for the upgrade, I feel I need to wait until all the bugs are out of 10 before upgrading again. I assume that at one point we won't be able to go back to 7 and that would be a very bad thing for me if I again had trouble with 10.

I don't feel that MS is forcing me to upgrade but I sure wish they'd de-bug the OP so I can use it....

So if you went back to W7, then uninstall those pesky software's that you no doubt installed, then go to the MS/Windows and download and install W10. then after you have W10 download and install whatever fixes/scans you want.
Jun 6, 2016
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Hi Aputernut,

Good to hear from you. No need to bold your reply, I'm here. Only deaf in one ear. :) I didn't mean to offend you if I did. It is nice to hear from someone with your positive outlook. :) God knows we need lots of positive these days. I am fairly new to the forum but read you are a veteran whom hasn't posted for a while. Hope you are back more frequently now. .

As to my comments on software rent, isn't an annual fee to use software sorta like renting software? To me it is the same as renting anything else.

It isn't a secret that Microsoft intends on charging us an annual fee for their OS going forward. Don't be thinking it is going to be free. :) Just go into their new software store and have a peek. Although there are some free apps, most of them want an annual fee. The free upgrade is just shoring up the shareholders investment. :)

Like I say Aputernut, going forward, we will no longer be able to purchase out-right a software package from MS. We will however be able to rent the software on a per year basis.

Take a look at our beloved Solitaire, and Freecell games that used to be free(to help us gain mouse skills). Now if you want them free, they are bloated with add ware ( to make money). To remove the add ware, we can open our wallets and pay either a monthly fee, or a yearly fee. Not so free anymore!

Same goes for Office, although I've heard different things... I am happy with Office 10, but I am sure Microsoft will put an end to that happiness soon. :) And i believe I already uninstalled some new apps from the win 10 update that wanted rent.

Nothing is ever free, especially these greed filled times! o_O But it is what it is.

Cheers, allan

P.S. From my recent attitude, it hard to tell I've been a rock solid supporter of Microsoft for over 3 decades now. Since DOS 1.0 . But I have been there. Just disappointed these days... :(
Jun 6, 2016
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There sure are a lot of people hallucinating that MS is forcing them to upgrade to Windows 10. On a lot of forums, too. Even in Mexico we have them.

Hi Vince,

I like and welcome your posts.

But we all have opinions.

Mine leans this way.

Many of us have come to trust Microsoft over the years, So much trust, that we all set our computers to automatically update. And those in the know, also helped their less, computer inclined, friends to set their computers to automatically update. The Microsoft worry free advise after all

Some people may have even agreed to park a free upgrade in their task bar because they were assured they could change their mind at any time.

I think you know where I'm going here... Yes it's true that if we would have turned off our automatic updates. And or were cleaver enough, on our best guard, drove with both hands on the wheel, we could have avoided the constant popups that I might add, became very akin to the very way many unsuspected users unsuspectingly invited malware onto their systems...

Just thought I would throw out another opinion Vince. Not in any way, saying the hallucination theory doesn't hold as much weight. We have them in Canada too :)

I am going to move forward with Windows 10 for sure. But I do have a different outlook than I used to. And given that outlook, i just can't dis others for theirs...

Best regards, Allan
Jul 24, 2015
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Just purchased my third Dell a 3552 with 10 home on it. Relegated my dual boot with 7 and 10 pro to a storage closet. That dual boot was an absolute tribute to this forum and could not have happened without it.
But after a very short introduction I decided I really don't like tiles so Classic Shell was the solution.
Jul 23, 2015
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Allan, first of all my post are in bold not for you but for me, I'm old LOL with old eyes, and I have not been away I am here daily, if I have knowledge about a topic then I reply. And I think you missed the objective of my replies totally, Being a puter nut for years "I pay for nothing" I can get for Free including games, I pay no attention to the apps or games on my PC. that goes for malware software and all the rest. It is my understanding that when there is a new OS available we need to order it and pay for it and then it will DL to our PC's this will not occur every year so will not be considered renting it. Hope I clarified this post, this time? P.S. bold print is not considered shouting, ALL CAPS IS HOWEVER.
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Jun 6, 2016
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Duh! I should have thought of that. :-( My bad. I'm older than I look. I've one eye implanted with a lense to use for driving, watching TV and other things that require 20 20. My other eye, has a cataract but is still good enough for reading unless it's find print. Then I get my wife. -)

I went and got the Games back from winaero site. Even donate $20 to the fellow. I like free stuff too. But I also don't mind paying for it. But I greatly dislike paying a monthly or yearly fee. I use the term rent because we can't buy it. As retired folks ( assuming you too are retired, or near to being anyway), we have to be concerned about ongoing expenses like rent. Ultimately, our goal is to have most of our things purchased out right. you know where I'm going with this so enough said.

We should put this on the shelf so we can leave this forum for what it is intended for. And that is support and helping each other. Let's revisit again some time. Perhaps around July 29, 2017 .....

Cheers, allan
Jun 6, 2016
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Just purchased my third Dell a 3552 with 10 home on it. Relegated my dual boot with 7 and 10 pro to a storage closet. That dual boot was an absolute tribute to this forum and could not have happened without it.
But after a very short introduction I decided I really don't like tiles so Classic Shell was the solution.

Hi jmccleary,

Although, I will keep by dual boot system in place, for a while longer, I did embrace the Win 10 upgrade a little more by removing the Windows.old folder on my Win 10 boot LOL.

I seriously thought of going back to classic,but have decided to go with a little of both. Where I can, I am bringing forward stuff that Win10 felt inclined to bury deep. And in some cases, it's through adding a tile to to menu. Small size though. The big tiles are a little too much! I guess I feel the need to learn the new to continue my roll as retire IT guy for family and friends.

Cheer! allan

P.S. you should see the number of skeletons in my storage closet! :eek: Although greatly assimilated into other projects, I've got some really nice boxes! Time to home build one, got lots of usable bits
Mar 29, 2015
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Welcome back, Aputernut! I thoroughly enjoy Windows 10, but some people don´t. They resent being tricked into upgrading. While they probably will use 10 in the future, they prefer the stability that they have on their current machines with either 7 or 8x.

I may disagree with their choice, but it´s still their choice.
If one knows what they are doing , they cannot be ticked into anything. I do not approve of what MS is doing but it can be circumvented.
May 30, 2016
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Well... I tried the suggestions, turned off the virus and malware detectors... unplugged all external devices and upgraded to Windows 10 ... again... my third try.

Guess what? The desktop is once again frequently refreshing and the shortcut icons blink on and off every few minutes. And again, some drop down menus that show options when you right click a function flash on and then back off so you have no chance to click on an option.

I'll try it for a week or so and hopefully, a fix will show up. If not, I'm going back to Windows 7 and won't mess around with Windows 10 again until MS no longer supports the system.

I figure if I'm required to buy the upgrade, MS owes me a fix for these irritating bugs.
Jul 23, 2015
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Turning off virus & malware protectors is not what I suggested, you must uninstall, because during the W10 install your PC may restart which will turn them on again. It was advised to uninstall any possible trouble makers, then re-DL and install after W10 successfully installs.
Sage, try a right click on taskbar, then task mgr. under processes check the CPU's such as icloud photos etc. or something using up a lot of CPU's. highlight and end process, see if this stops the refresh and flickering.
May 30, 2016
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Okay, I'll try that. I don't use icloud that that shouldn't be an issue.
Feb 18, 2016
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I seem to remember another member on here experiencing similar issues after Windows 10 upgrade.
I believe the constant screen refreshing was caused by Windows photo slide show running in the background?.
Jun 6, 2016
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hi Sage,

There is one other thing to consider, although remote, is a failing mouse or sticking key. I've seen it happen more than once. In fact last time I had stuff flashing and popping up and menus closing before I could select, it turned out to be the mouse!

Just a thought is all.

Good luck.
Cheers allan
Feb 18, 2016
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Sage This is a long shot for sure.Try going into settings>Accounts> Synch Your Settings, turn off any or all synch settings.
Mar 29, 2015
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I upgraded from Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit to Windows 10 Pro with Avast Internet Security intact and running and had no problems. I did remove an external drive. I have since ditched AIS and just use Windows Defender and Firewall in build 14367.
Jun 6, 2016
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That's like a panhandler asking for $5 you say no, he says Yes, reaches into your pocket and takes $5.
My Opinion only. MS now have to much control over users and the market with the Win 10 upgrade, It appears they want full control over OS, gaming, apps, fitbits, and now they have an aggressive sales campaign (pushing) with the bigger better Surface Pro 4 PC. If I have to by a new PC I just might go out and buy a MAC.

Hi folks, me again. Really not wanting to be a trouble maker, but my heart does go out to those that feel tricked by the Win 10 forced roll out! And although there has been statements like : 'if you know what your doing, you won't be tricked'. But the fact is, not everybody is a guru.

Norton, your 'analysis' of Vince's report on MS's insistence they didn't force anybody hits bang on. of course I do intent to let this die, I just would rather not dis those that feel they have been tricked or forced or out smarted or whatever. And I would hope you all would join me with that thought.

I just did some maintenance on my Win 7 partition. And when checking for updates i found some de-ja-vu , and I just wanted to bring this to your attention so you can determine if it is underhanded or not?
MS Sheep.jpg

This is snap pic of my windows 7 update window. As you can see, KB3021917 remains unchecked. yet KB3035583 has been rechecked. I had manually unchecked them both last time I ran the updates. Please read in the right panel what KB3035583 is reporting to (let say, a user whom likely quote 'knows what he is doing'. It is simple labelled as ' Update for windows 7 x64 based systems... to resolve issues in windows...' I Call this the sheep's clothing. I invite you to look at the WOLF now by checking out: in MS Knowledge base for for KB3035583 true function. What isses are being fixed for 7 x64...? Trickery?? I leave it to you to decide.

Best regards, Allan
Apr 18, 2016
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That's like a panhandler asking for $5 you say no, he says Yes, reaches into your pocket and takes $5.
My Opinion only. MS now have to much control over users and the market with the Win 10 upgrade, It appears they want full control over OS, gaming, apps, fitbits, and now they have an aggressive sales campaign (pushing) with the bigger better Surface Pro 4 PC. If I have to by a new PC I just might go out and buy a MAC.
Lol I have been experimenting with Ubuntu. But who want's to change everything on every PC in the house, and get it all working the way you like it. which you will probably never do, because you will be searching for programs for so long you wont have time to play games or read forums. So I still use Win 10.

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