I had to pick up on this " With MS dropping support of Explorer, i"
Is that a quote from somewhere? For clarification, MS are dropping support for the earlier IEs. Their latest will continue to get full support.
I was led to believe that 'Edge' IS MS's latest; which would mean that 'technically', any browser/s older than it would therefore be unsupported.
Perhaps, there is confusion that arises from MS having Edge AND Internet Explorer.
All I can say is... from what I have noticed from use and comparisons based there-on, Internet Explorer has a number of issues under Windows 10, from crashes, to lock-ups and even the odd failure of the menu bar to appear (if the user has selected to show the menu bar), while Edge with it's extreme 'vanilla' appearance and total lack of menu bar and extremely simplistic controls (and a complete failure to allow right click context menus so one can open another tab from a link for instance!!) may well lead more experienced users with more than basic understanding of how they want to view/save/print any web based content to consider other options.