SOLVED Likes and dislikes

Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
You know you liked them, go ahead and click that like button. lol
I just basically gave a like to everyone as I don't really see the harm in it myself. Dave has made a choice and I respect that. I too am a "Grumpy Old Man" (63 now) as I don't sleep very well due to back problems, I think that is why I am not allowed to own a weapon but I might be wrong there?. :):):)

What I do dislike is when after successfully (or not as the case may be) helping someone, they don't even bother to say thanks, that does annoy me a bit I must admit!. :mad::mad::mad:
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
I'm still in my prime at 83 - but that is for drinking beer.

"I don't sleep very well"
I know the feeling. It is quite stressful, when you feel you need to operate with normal function during the day. My doctor says sleeping pills will do the trick, but I have turned that offer down flatly. According to her, it is a normal manifestation for someone of my age. I guess a diagnosis like that lets the medical profession off the hook!
Apr 22, 2017
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I have come to the conclusion that doctors just "guess" what is wrong with their patients, it seems like it to me at least!.

83 is a good age Dave, keep drinking the beer, it is what is keeping you going!. :D:D:D:D


Oct 27, 2013
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I have to confess, I pay very little attention to my like count - but I do "like" the tool as a way of agreeing with someone, thanking for a detailed post, or sometimes the post just makes me smile/laugh (like some of the ones in this thread! :D). Each to their own, though - there's no obligation to use it, but it's there for those that want it :).
Apr 22, 2017
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I thought that when we get to 500 likes, we get a free brand new PC Ian!. LOL :):):):)
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Joking apart, as I intimated in my first post, that is the flaw in the system. It is quite easy, with cooperation with other members, to increase your likes astronomically. But, I agree with Trouble and Ian. It is of little consequence, as the table does not lead to anything other than improving ones Ego.
I only raised the issue, in case my peers thought I was being mean by suddenly not liking any posts! - That is why I closed it immediately.
For me, the statement had been made and that was an end to it.
I take Ian's point, though, that it is a quick way, under earned circumstances, for a member seeking help to acknowledge that successful help of info has been given.
Feb 22, 2014
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The likes in my opinion, help others understand how much someone contributes positively to the community. The count does carry weight, even if not everyone agrees.
Nov 19, 2013
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Sorry, Cliff, We will agree to disagree, I think. Have another read of my posts. In a fashion, I "manipulated " my likes, over a short period. The fact that I am second in the list is, in essence, meaningless.

However, I feel that the contributions in this thread, whilst only from very regular posters, indicate the feelings. There is little more that needs to be contributed.
The resources category might be more meaningful?
Frankly, I would suggest that random members coming on the forum(s) for occasional help, appreciate whoever hits the target. I doubt that they even notice the "like" note at the bottom. We cannot dictate to those visitors that they should acknowledge, in any way, their approval. Like a previous post comment, If I know my solution worked, It bothers me not whether they respond or not.
Last edited:
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
In a fashion, I "manipulated " my likes, over a short period.
What I'm wondering now is if there is a better way to promote community health. Every community will have a social aspect. And promoting positive comments over negative comments is the only way to keep it healthy. I'm not trying to tell you that you need to use the like system. I will however continue to support it, because I do believe in the benefit.

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