Hackers Networks

Feb 8, 2021
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Hi there. I appreciate Ravvy made a comment so I could come back. As davehc said, it was more than a year ago when I made the first comment, but guess what, those hackers have kept threatening, harassing and menacing me since I don’t shut up and let them use my networks, including 2 computers, 2 iPhones, 1 landline, paid 2 cellphones and cable TV. I had to put aside those criminals and kept enduring their crimes since my husband got sick for a while.

Since in 2/2021, I have found out there are more members, and they have even burglarized into my condo unit and keep stealing electricity from my unit to commit crimes. I have made 3 police reports this year and installed security system but those criminals messed up my security system and can enter into my condo. Then I set up handycams when I go out so those criminals have started burglarizing my condo while I’m sleeping See, some of those members are junkies, and get high when they burglarize and steal something.

Anyhow, I also have found out those criminals use my computers as botnets and do business by using my networks. I see many Services into my Microsoft 10’s “Service” related to do business with suffix and I cannot even make it “Disable”. I went to use computers at the local public libraries, freaked out they had the same Services and the Library System asked ransom in April 2022. I don’t think those hackers who live and gather in my upstairs are the main hackers since those idiots jobs are sloppy (and that’s why I found out). Everything what I say here is absolutely true, and I’m not a drug addicted. I have just lost my husband a couple of month ago and I have started reporting to police about those criminals again
May 23, 2023
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Hi there. I appreciate Ravvy made a comment so I could come back. As davehc said, it was more than a year ago when I made the first comment, but guess what, those hackers have kept threatening, harassing and menacing me since I don’t shut up and let them use my networks, including 2 computers, 2 iPhones, 1 landline, paid 2 cellphones and cable TV. I had to put aside those criminals and kept enduring their crimes since my husband got sick for a while.

Since in 2/2021, I have found out there are more members, and they have even burglarized into my condo unit and keep stealing electricity from my unit to commit crimes. I have made 3 police reports this year and installed security system but those criminals messed up my security system and can enter into my condo. Then I set up handycams when I go out so those criminals have started burglarizing my condo while I’m sleeping See, some of those members are junkies, and get high when they burglarize and steal something.

Anyhow, I also have found out those criminals use my computers as botnets and do business by using my networks. I see many Services into my Microsoft 10’s “Service” related to do business with suffix and I cannot even make it “Disable”. I went to use computers at the local public libraries, freaked out they had the same Services and the Library System asked ransom in April 2022. I don’t think those hackers who live and gather in my upstairs are the main hackers since those idiots jobs are sloppy (and that’s why I found out). Everything what I say here is absolutely true, and I’m not a drug addicted. I have just lost my husband a couple of month ago and I have started reporting to police about those criminals again

SEEMS like all content of this paranoia is to deny accountability for illicit internet activities and explain the reasons of existant drug contraband or smoke smell etc but even if you litter the internet with these its not going to change facts or exempt you. ps microsoft is kingpin of hackers because when you use there systems or services they take and sell multitudes of data from YOU but they do it legally because they can when you agree to use their systems and services under these conditions. just like Googles invaded our lives to hold each individuals every input, geo location, call sms communications, so that government agencies can present a letter and accquire all the bountys of invaded privacy, but since google does the dirty work, governments arent violating the constitution.throw away all electronics or accept that everything you grew to love is designed to entertain you and analyze you. look at android phones they have persistent apps that steal your bio data like your iris even if you dont use it for unlock. friends dont govern. The U.S. is not run by peacemakers. Where the Many out number the FEW, They acknowledge that you have these granted rights and paint a perception of freedom with hidden measures of plausible deniability, but do what they please. modern slavery to a digital design and a concatenated system to encites false security for all to catch those who abuse law. violate law to catch law breakers
Sep 5, 2019
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Definitely seems like paranoid ramblings. Someone who is not tech literate but is certain that hackers have taken over her computers and other devices in her home. Then she notices that the same services on her computer are running at the public library's PCs. See a doctor, take the prescribed meds. Use Linux as others have suggested. Don't use the option to save passwords in your web browser and don't use the re-use passwords.

SEEMS like all content of this paranoia is to deny accountability for illicit internet activities and explain the reasons of existant drug contraband or smoke smell etc but even if you litter the internet with these its not going to change facts or exempt you. ps microsoft is kingpin of hackers because when you use there systems or services they take and sell multitudes of data from YOU but they do it legally because they can when you agree to use their systems and services under these conditions. just like Googles invaded our lives to hold each individuals every input, geo location, call sms communications, so that government agencies can present a letter and accquire all the bountys of invaded privacy, but since google does the dirty work, governments arent violating the constitution.throw away all electronics or accept that everything you grew to love is designed to entertain you and analyze you. look at android phones they have persistent apps that steal your bio data like your iris even if you dont use it for unlock. friends dont govern. The U.S. is not run by peacemakers. Where the Many out number the FEW, They acknowledge that you have these granted rights and paint a perception of freedom with hidden measures of plausible deniability, but do what they please. modern slavery to a digital design and a concatenated system to encites false security for all to catch those who abuse law. violate law to catch law breakers
Now THIS is paranoid rambling!
Aug 27, 2023
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Definitely seems like paranoid ramblings. Someone who is not tech literate but is certain that hackers have taken over her computers and other devices in her home. Then she notices that the same services on her computer are running at the public library's PCs. See a doctor, take the prescribed meds. Use Linux as others have suggested. Don't use the option to save passwords in your web browser and don't use the re-use passwords.

Now THIS is paranoid rambling!
Dbagfragr is clearly making fun of HackerBerry's accounts regarding "those hackers!!" Lmao!!
HackerBerry, expand on your account of the night or nights "those hackers" broke into your condo while you were sleeping. How did you know? Did you wakeup? Or review the Handycam footage? Or is a more of a "gut feeling" that is telling you they broke in?
I suggest you get night vision Handycams immediately!
Also I'm curious as to what their motive was? Did they inject you with a computer virus? Because that's what appears to have happened to me when I read your posts..
I would go to the your nearest digital robotic hospital for a physical and let Dr. Bot know those hackers injected you with a computer virus and its affecting your operation, you need to have it extracted immediately!!
Jun 16, 2024
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Definitely seems like paranoid ramblings. Someone who is not tech literate but is certain that hackers have taken over her computers and other devices in her home. Then she notices that the same services on her computer are running at the public library's PCs. See a doctor, take the prescribed meds. Use Linux as others have suggested. Don't use the option to save passwords in your web browser and don't use the re-use passwords.

Now THIS is paranoid rambling!
actually what is stated above by Dbagfragr is anything but paranoid ramblings... the rest of the thread yea... but as far as Dbagfragr states, its very much a reality and very much happening right now in the present time... dont believe me? its ill-advised to discredit anything until you have done the research your self.. especially with something of that magnitude but hey, maybe you dont believe me... As long as you believe in the second amendment rights and know why exactly our founding fathers made that our second amendment and ready and willing to preserve that which is sacred that this country was founded on then... that's really all that matters in the end, but it does help to know what's going on to get prepared

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