As was mentioned, using the DISM command to repair files may replace a file with an older version. There has been an ongoing problem for me with a file named opencl.dll for quite a while.
Note: redcloud this post is to address Saltgrass's issue. Just ignore this post as nothing mentioned here is relevant to your issue.
Hi Saltgrass,
I noticed your comment here and have a suggestion for you which you may not have tried yet:
If you copy some of the steps I just gave to redcloud:
- Within File Explorer locate and mount the ISO file and note the drive letter assigned to it
- Then in Elevated command prompt, MKDIR C:\WIM
- Then mount the Install.WIM to C:\WIM as per above instructions
At this point you can within file explorer open your C:\WIM folder and navigate your way to this location:
- Note because of its length I'll break the location into a few lines so you can see the fill path
(Thanks to Trouble for reminding me about the Insert icon | Code)
See image below:
You see there that
opencl.dll I assume you are needing for some repair.
You may be able to just copy that to the destination you need to to replace the corrupt one.
If not, then make use of the initial mount step where I got redcloud to identify the drive-letter assigned to that mount. In my case it was F-drive.
So assuming its F drive for the initial mounting you can shortcut the RestoreHealth by pointing it directly to the folder that has the opencl.dll in it like so:
(Sorry its a long single command, that unfortunately breaks into 3 lines here)
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:esd:F:\sources\install.wim\1\Windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-r..xwddmdriver-wow64-c_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.10586.0_none_3dae054b56911c22\
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:esd:F:\sources\install.wim\1\Windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-r..xwddmdriver-wow64-c_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.10586.0_none_3dae054b56911c22\
(Cheers Trouble for the tip)
Once that command is executed, you ought to Restart computer, then from an elevated command prompt run
With any luck that might resolve your issue.