Not sure if Boris Johnson's sudden epiphany in coming around to my way of thinking is a positive sign, unless he added the caveat of
unless you can account for every moment of the other persons time when you are not together.
For example....
My wife and I seldom out of sight of one another (despite my best efforts) can go for a nice walk together.
My daughter and or grand daughter who live two doors down from me (separated only by a common neighbors house) cannot, should not and will not.
They were both over today shooting hoops in my driveway.
I stood on my front porch, probably 15 or 20 feet away and cheered them on.
Our State's Governor just today signed a "stay at home" order for the entire State of Indiana.
Seems our political bureaucracy is still lagging behind what we residents have been doing for some time.
All well here, everyone seems to be reasonably well, safe and healthy for now.
Best wishes for all.