Can't left click on start button to access my docs

Sep 26, 2017
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Yes, using that procedure wipes the hard drive and installs everything just as it came from the factory.

When I am confronted with that as the choice of last resort I first try booting to a Linux LiveDVD, connect an External USB hard drive and copy as much as possible of the Users files.
Nov 19, 2013
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A little feedback will help for further advice from the forum.
A factor reset will certainly lose all your personal files and programs.
If you open the file explorer, however, you will, at least, be able to copy most from the "username" folder, to a safe place.
As I said, though, without any comment as to whether you have tried the suggestions in the last couple of posts, it is difficult for members to keep shooting advice.
Jan 29, 2018
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Doing a factory restore is a big job for me, and so I have not done it yet. Is an easy way to copy all files and programs onto an external HDD or will I have to go through folder-by-folder?

If I do a factory restore, will that mean I also have to create a new user account and register Office again? There is just so many factors that I need to consider before doing something as huge as a restore.
Jan 29, 2018
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Does anyone know how to get up the Add-Remove Programs box considering I cannot access the Windows icon on the task bar or open it through PC folder?
Nov 19, 2013
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Doing a factory restore is a big job for me, and so I have not done it yet. Is an easy way to copy all files and programs onto an external HDD or will I have to go through folder-by-folder?

If I do a factory restore, will that mean I also have to create a new user account and register Office again? There is just so many factors that I need to consider before doing something as huge as a restore.
As I said. Just copy the users/username folder totally. Some you do not need, but worst case, it is all there.
It has already been explained to you, which you have achieved, as to how to open the file manager.
Jan 29, 2018
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Sorry, I cannot find where it says how to open File Manager. I went to PC > Computer > Open Settings or Uninstall a Program, but neither of these actually open. Is there another way? Like you explained how to open the cmd?
Jan 29, 2018
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Ok, so I can just copy the entire Users folder.

How do I factory restore? I do not need specific instructions. Just what key do I need to press as the laptop boots up to get me to that screen where I can choose to Factory Restore?

I have an Acer Aspire E 14 (E5-474G-5478) Laptop.

It's got to be one of a few common buttons, right? Like F10 or something...
Nov 19, 2013
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Will that mean that I lose all my files and data? And that I will have to create a new account? (basically everything I did the first time since I got it from the factory..)
From your earlier post
"Can you left click one of the icons on the Taskbar to open a program such as File Explorer [the yellow file folder icon]?
Yes, that works. As well as Outlook, Skype, Chrome ... but not Calculator for some reason (it says "System Call Failed")."

I am afraid that I have exhausted my resources for dealing with the problem. You have, in this thread, several workable options for sorting things out
Just one question
You are, presumably, the owner/administrator of the computer?


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Does anyone know how to get up the Add-Remove Programs box considering I cannot access the Windows icon on the task bar or open it through PC folder?
you can use either
shell:AddNewProgramsFolder (then click the link in the left column "Uninstall a program")
Either can be evoked from the "Run" dialog box if you can right click the Start button or use the Windows logo key on your keyboard + R key on your keyboard
Use Ctrl + Alt + Delete to launch task manager and from there use the file menu item to "Run new task" and simply type either into the box
Jan 29, 2018
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Had a small success...

I found the Windows application for Search/Cortana (SearchUI.exe), run it as Administrator, and then I could left click on the Start menu and get a list of options. Previously I couldn't do this. So now at least I can shutdown the computer using Windows (and not Acer).

The same approach wouldn't work for Calculator. That's still dead.

But it may work for other things like left clicking on the start menu. Now if only I could locate the app that controls that.
Jan 29, 2018
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Ok, totally fixed it now.

ShellExperienceHost.exe and SearchUI.exe were suspended in my Details tab in Task Manager, so I restarted those applications, rebooted, and now it seems to work. That being said, I checked Task Manager again and they are still suspended, so not sure exactly what fixed it. But all the things I mentioned before (even the calculator) are back and working fine (at least for this session, let's see what happens when I start my laptop tomorrow).

I was just about to reinstall all Windows Apps with Powershell, but then thought a reboot would be good to see if anything changed by restarting those two executables, and it obviously had.

I kind of knew that I wouldn't need to do a Factory Restore. And so pleased I didn't have to.

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