Can't copy linux files to NAS, what can i do?

Aug 31, 2015
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hello! i'm trying to copy a folder (using file explorer) from my USB drive (NTFS) that contains linux files, to my NAS drive (EXT4). the copy process stops on a file with ":" in the file name and the message "the filename you specified is not valid or too long". i suspect this has to do with windows not liking the special character, and i've discovered quite a few of these special character files in the folder i'm trying to copy, so manual file renaming isn't ideal.

i tried copying the folder from a ubuntu live cd but it stops on files with the message "symlinks not supported by backend", so i'm stuck trying to figure out a way to do this folder copy in one shot without having to resort to manual efforts like file renaming- does anyone know of a way that i can make this folder copy happen?

many thanks!
Apr 22, 2017
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HI Matt,

I think it is because you are using the "Ext4" format, Windblows doesn't like it much, copy the file and save as something Windows can handle and then try copying and pasting it again!. :)
Sep 26, 2017
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My WDC NAS drives show as formatted NTFS [as received] in Windows File Explorer but my Linux Mint 18 shows then as "no information", can still work with them for file storage and open some formats.

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