USB doesn't recognize camera device

Dec 26, 2015
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I have had same problem with my Canon cameras, sounds similar so I do comment.
May not be at all what is causing your problem.
First I tried to download and reinstall drivers (Canon Camera Window).
Did not help. Got new camera / USB cable.
Switching cables has worked for a while until it too stopped working.
The problem I discovered was that outer pin in the socket was pushed deeper into socket.
(Must have tried to insert the cable in crooked and pushed the pin in)
New cable had a tighter end connection so it worked.
Until it quit altogether and the idea that I should try another USB port not ocured to me before.
Switching USB port worked - conclusion - my original camera port at fault.
The pin was pushed so far back now that it has broken off the printed circuit board connection.
That is how this problem was finally diagnosed as pure mechanical one - nothing to do with drivers or cables.
Have a good look at your USB socket with a magnifier to see if all pins are straight and same length.
Sep 26, 2017
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For such times as one of my clients will have a similar issue with their camera I keep a Targus High Speed SC/SDHC/MMC/Micro SD/T-F pocketable USB device that accepts those camera memory cards in my tool kit. It's about $10USD at Wal*Mart. It saves a lot of headaches in retrieving photos even from the Micro SD cards in cellphones.
Jan 25, 2021
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My computer with Windows 10 no longer recognizes my Hero 3+ GoPro Camera, nor my Nikon D5100. I have looked for drivers, but to no avail. Any ideas for a work-a-round such that I can pull pictures/video off these devices and put on computer?


Even I had the same problem of PC not recognizing my Nikon DSLR via USB, tried updating the drivers and software etc. but in my case, it turned out to be a low battery issue. The battery indicator on my camera screen was blinking so I charged up and tried connecting the camera via USB and voila it worked. The camera was being recognized by PC. Probably data transfer is prohibited while the battery is low. Hope this helps some of you

Thank you

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