SOLVED Unknown Service Trying To Load On My Computer

Nov 12, 2018
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Hello, so today i was on my familiy's computer and i had noticed that on my desktop had appeared an error message, it appeared to be trying to load some sort of service that i have no knowledge of. It looked very suspicious and was basically filled with all of these wacky letters, almost as if they were a bunch of randomly generated letters from different languages all mushed together. We have done some research into this and haven't found anything fishy on the surface, it was trying to load by way of something called "ServiceLoader.exe", i do not at the moment believe that the program is bad but whatever it was trying to load could have very possibly been. When it comes to me personally i'm really only moderately knowledgeable on how all of this works and i'm completely confused with what i'm seeing . I'm needing some help here as i want to be sure that i don't have a virus and that no one tried to load a malicious program by way of "ServiceLoader.exe".

Best regards,
-Nicholas M.

Nov 12, 2018
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Alright so i have also just tried to end the process, after that it just came up on task manager as "not responding" when i went into the "Details" section and hit "End process tree", it came up with an error message, saying "access denied". This is kind of freaking me out a little and i'm not sure what is happening, is this a virus?
Apr 22, 2017
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Hi Nicholas,

the letters showing look like they are of the Greek language group?, have you run your AV app to determine whether or not you indeed have a virus?. :):):)
Nov 19, 2013
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From browsing , it seems that even experts are unsure of its intention. Common view is that it is best removed.
But, I would be a little cautious of this action. See if a search will reveal where it is on your computer. You may even be able to spot it in the task manager processes.

Make sure you have an image, and/or backup of your computer, then:
Should you find it, rename the -exe part to something silly, even PDF. Restart the computer and see if the problem has gone.
Nov 12, 2018
Reaction score
From browsing , it seems that even experts are unsure of its intention. Common view is that it is best removed.
But, I would be a little cautious of this action. See if a search will reveal where it is on your computer. You may even be able to spot it in the task manager processes.

Make sure you have an image, and/or backup of your computer, then:
Should you find it, rename the -exe part to something silly, even PDF. Restart the computer and see if the problem has gone.

Well i did this and my computer seems to be fine, after looking around for its origins it seems the whole "ServiceLoader.exe" actually comes from an old program called "jmesoft". After searching it up i found out that it is a program needed for a keyboard (that i no longer have) to run, sounds like its just some leftover software for my old keyboard that never got removed despite the fact i got rid of it a few years ago. I have done a virus scan of the files (ServiceLoader, jmesoft, etc) and it came out that there was no virus, although the error message was very strange there seems to be no immediate problem that i can see, im still gonna look for a little while longer but for now all seems to be good.

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