PowerShell - Upload files to multiple FTP sites


Oct 27, 2013
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Nice one :cool:

I'm preparing the drag and drop tutorial, but before I carry on with this, I wanted to know how far down the rabbit hole you want to go with that.

It's easy enough to create a basic form you drag files to that become part of a [array] $List, but are you wanting that same form to have a panel that acts like File explorer so you don'y have to handle File Explorer in one view and the form in another view?

I think I've got the script working in its entirety, with the exception of any drag-drop stuff. So far, I can upload a named folder to multiple ftp sites, with the credentials stored in a CSV file. This is the first time I've done anything this complicated in PowerShell myself, and I am really enjoying it :D.

If I can do Drag and Drop too, I'll be a happy bunny. Your tutorial will be most appreciated! :cool:

My thoughts were just having a Drag and Drop popup appear once I have selected the domains to upload to, then I can drag some files over from File Explorer and add them to the list. It doesn't need to act like File Explorer in the app, as long as it can display a list of files added to it (like the demo link above in post #4).

I'll PM my code so far, as it's a little rusty to post on the forum in it's current form (I'll post it once it's polished).

I minor joy of being retired and no long a software developer is that one does not have to learn any scripting tools like Powershell! One can just be a dumb user...with no need to update many things at once. I did once upon a time spend at least two evenings a week compiling a whole suite of stuff, testing it and then with scripts updating 8-10 machines before bedtime. Not windows, not even MS-Dos, much cruder than either!

I bet you'd enjoy it, but find it frustrating in equal measure - that's how coding goes for me at least :D.


Mar 4, 2016
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I'll PM my code so far,

Sure thing, I'll take a look during the day, and see if I can engineer a tutorial around your ambitions for your Script.

I'm assuming you've not created password arrays, but if you have ditch those before PMing me --
May 6, 2015
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They have TV in NZ? Probably better than Canadian or American tv. I read books for my relaxation
May 6, 2015
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Any particular authors you might like to recommend?

I read 90% science fiction. If that is your thing I can recommend...if it is not then you need someone else!

But here is a question. Do you find British humour, like Monty Python, Fawlty Towers funny?

If so you could try some of the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. As You have grandchildren I think? there is a short series starts with The Wee Free Men which might well appeal to them.

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