No Homegroup what Now??

Apr 24, 2018
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I have 2 Computers and 3 Laptops all running Windows 10pro and would like to be able safely share everything
from either one without passwords.
Need a good Tutorial for a Newbie. :oops:
Oct 26, 2016
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The only way I know is sharing the drive on every PC but that requires always a password as far as I know. However there may be a way to share without a password:

Open the control panel and navigate to [Network and Sharing Center], then click on {Change advanced Sharing settings].
Here you need to click on [All networks] and navigate to [Password protected sharing] and tick " turn off ".

this may be what you want to have but remember that you have to do it on ALL your computers...
Sep 2, 2021
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go to add features in the windows menu and scroll down to add more features what you are looking for is "smb networking" which is turn off by default it needs to be on to allow you to network between machines. you also need to set your drives to share which is done by looking at the properties of the drive this allows you to connect via wired networks . but watch out Microsoft resets this setting when it pusses a update on to your machine this is the only way I have found to get the old style home groups back.

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