Netplwiz doesn't work

Jan 19, 2018
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I used this tool for a years, and everything was good. Recently, my computer stop autologon and I had to log in myself. Becase I also had some other issues with win10, I reinstalled it with formating my ssd. So now I have fresh installation and still it won't work. It does work in case when I just do restart, but if I shut down my computer, and boot it up again, it won't work. I have to login manualy. I also tried some autologin app but same thing happens. Does anyone know how can I fix this bug?


Mar 4, 2016
Reaction score
Hi milandc,

Welcome to the Forum.

I'm assuming you correctly used netplwiz to attempt to make your User Account sign-in automatically.

I cannot think of any reason for that not to work unless there is a corrupt System file.

An alternative way to achieve this goal would be to modify the Registry.

Here is how:
  • To demonstrate I'll use a Microsoft Account email: (e-mail address removed) and the User password of ExamplePassword

  • Press Windows key + R to open the Run dialog
  • In the run dialog type regedit then click OK
  • When prompted by the User Account Control click Yes
  • In the Address bar of the Registry Editor type or copy & paste the following:
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Press Enter key to expand the hives in the left pane to the Winlogon hive

Sample image

  • With the Winlogon hive highlighted as in above sample image, take a look in the right pane
You are looking for three REG_SZ String entries named:
  • AutoAdminLogon
  • DefaultUserName
  • DefaultPassword
Note: These entries may not be present at all in your case, especially if you are using the Creator Fall update of Windows 10.

In the event they do not exist, right-click inside the right pane and select New > String Value, then name the String Value with one of the three names mentioned above. Repeat this for each of the three names above (if they are not all ready present).

Now you have these three entries appearing on your right pane you need to modify the Data value for each one. To do this right-click on the String and select Modify then inside the Value data field enter:

  • 1 for the AutoAdminLogon Data value
  • MicrosoftAccount\[email protected] for the DefaultUserName Data value
  • ExamplePassword for the UserPassword Data value
Sample image



The password you enter in the Data value field must be the actual password you'd sign-in with.

After either modifying or creating and modifying the above three REG_SZ String values, press F5 then close the Registry Editor.

Shutdown the computer and upon next boot up it ought to logon automatically.

Just note this method of storing a password for auto logon is not ideal, so take any precautions necessary.


Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Bravo milandc. I have 2 systems where netplwiz did not worked. Just did your RegEdit suggestion. Had to add the DefaultPassword string, and Modify 2 of the strings. Works beautifully. Now to fix my laptop with the fresh Win 10 install. THANKS!!!

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