I am hunting for old Dell XPS 420 Mini View gadgets for windows vista.

May 2, 2019
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Hello everyone. I sincerely apologize if this is the wrong place to ask but if it is maybe someone can point me to a much better for this type of hunt I'm on. I am thinking maybe I could get lucky and someone here might have an old archive of those gadgets stored away or maybe has the same computer and has digital ISOs of the factory recovery discs that might have some of those gadgets as well.

I have a Dell XPS 420 that's equipped with a Dell XPS Mini view screen that pretty much is windows side show built into the case.

A long time ago I actually did manage to get the windows vista driver installed and the computer did manage to interface with it. My biggest struggle with it now is I cannot find any gadgets for it. I mainly just want system information like CPU usage and Ram. Simple stuff like that or maybe any other cool status information for it.

I feel like I've looked almost anywhere for these gadgets and since they were viewed as a security risk it's like they permanently vanished from the web. I know that windows sideshow didn't really stick around that long but I'm really hoping for anyone that just might have some gadget files or knows a website that might have archived them. I tried the wayback machine and the internet archive and unfortunately it didn't yield any results (I could have used the sites in correctly) that I could maybe use to find a source that is still hosting those gadgets somewhere.

It kinda sucks I can't locate anything and it took me a long time to source a driver for it too. I thought also that maybe someone has an ISO image of the factory recovery disks for that computer too that could possibly have some of the stock gadgets that came with the machine out of the box.

The time era of the windows sideshow feature was around 2007 but if I'm not mistaken it only lasted a couple years and support for it permanently dropped with windows 8 but drivers stopped after windows vista (you'd have to install vista then upgrade to windows 7 to keep the xps mini view actually functional). The idea I had in mind for the computer was to play older games for a fun project and I just can't seem to find any software relating to the sideshow screen anywhere.

I appreciate everyone for their help and advice. I been sitting on this computer for a few years now and I've I've finally had the time to sit down and try to restore it to full functionality, itd just the xps screen that's the last piece I need to actually finish it. Thank you all in advance!
Oct 2, 2014
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There's a website called Win7Gadgets that offer gadgets for download. I'm pretty sure Windows 7 gadgets work fine on Vista, if I remember correctly. I'll link to the Lifewire article on this. I have no idea how safe it is to download these from their website. I certainly would be very caution. The reason Windows abandoned gadgets is they had no control over 3rd party gadgets, and some contained viruses.

Feb 22, 2014
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This is all I know to share. I'm like Bigfeet and don't know if the sources can be trusted.



After reading this topic. It may be more trouble than it is worth.
Last edited:
Jul 7, 2016
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I have a full installation disk for Vista for my Dell XPS 420 which includes Dell discs for the mini view for software. My mini view is also not running on my machine either. Whether it is safe/compatable to use with my current W10 pro, I have no idea.

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