How to convert UUPs to iso.esd

Jan 27, 2016
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It takes some time to do properly but once you get it - it is easy.
when MS sends you the update/upgrade prior to doing the RESTART.
(A.) I start with a different HHD/SSD external I label mine E:
a. make the following Folders.

Navigate to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download on your PC.
Search ext:esd in File Explorer.
Right on the file (only one file would be visible on your screen), click on open file location.
Now in the folder, you will find 10+ ESD Files.
copy all files to a different folder (such as E:\UUPs)

2. download the following and uncompress (see #3) to your choice of Folders (prefer in a #1 above uups)

3. use the following script to convert the UUPs into a new .ISO
Convert UUPs

4. I use the iso folder to uncompress the full new.iso into
5. I extract the install.wim to the wim folder
6. I compress the install.wim to install.ed (makes it much smaller) using DISM++
7. I insert the install.esd into the iso folder \sources
8. Then i burn me a new.iso (compressed esd) with the following script.

oscdimg -bE:\iso\boot\ -h -u2 -m -liso E:\iso\ E:\19559.1000.200131-1437.RS_PRERELEASE_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.iso

of course you change the name to read what was made using the convert UUPs program.
You can also mount the install.wim and add new patches to update the edition, you can also change the edition if you want or need.
it depends on how many esds and what type MS downloads to your C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution

any questions or need further assistance you can contact me at
(e-mail address removed)
use title - "uup convert" Win10Forum,
I will reply as soon as possible
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Jan 27, 2016
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my bad the item in #3. the uup convert program.
further note that DISM++ if very intense on memory. and CPU usage.
Nov 19, 2013
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In my better days, only for fun and enthusiasm, I delighted in this operation. (The tutorial is well documented on the web, as the above).
At the time I found a script, which did the whole thing automatically. It was modified to use the new "Ups" instead,, when the system was changed.
As the frequency of updates increased to a frenzy, I saw no point in making use of these large downloads every week (At least!).

After I saw this thread, I went back to the script to try it. I used my mobile internet, for speed. It took one hour and ten minutes to download, verify, and convert to every ISO from the latest Insiders (even the "education"). Wow.

I care not to publish it, but , if members are interested, you can google, hopefully, for "multi_creatingISO_19564_1000_en-gb"
Last edited:
Nov 19, 2013
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I want to clarfy a point, on my previous post. It was my intention to delete it but I was too late. As I read the MS copyright rules, it can be interpreted as saying thst their material cannot be reengineered and distributed. So, fellow members, once the uup is on your computer, I see no harm in having a little fun, but exercise discretion.
Jan 27, 2016
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Several years ago, MS posted the how to convert ESDs to ISO then they switched to UUPs, they also posted the new how to, but since it was mostly "way over the head of average person" - I only posted the most simple version as I was ask If I wanted since I was ask to NO LONGER POST MY CUSTOM ISO WITH ESD.

Seems this is also "getting issues" please have the ADMIN totally delete all the Custom posts and delete this THREAD. and if some member wants to convert they can then look for all the How to on MS site.
Sorry for the Trouble caused.
Nov 19, 2013
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There are masses of sites with the tutorials. Several are posted, even on Microsoft answer sites, without protest from Microsoft. The only contention was the , then, distribution of them.
This one, for example, seems to be a close copy of that posted by yourself

been there for almost three years, without comment..
A very advanced tutorial is from an experienced programmer, well known on the Internet as well as by MS - Kari. He has his own site but is a prolific poster on another forum.

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