Having Problems With April Updates ?

Nov 19, 2013
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On analysis, it looks like John. w., the self confessed Microsoft employee, who started the thread, chickened out by the end of the second page!

Reading a few of the pages, (I couldn't handle 171 of them) it begins to look like the update accidently included some old Windows 7 *.dll files., in particular, Cclip. Why this worked for some, and not others, is beyond my reasoning - possibly something to do with the age of the machines hardware.
I was one of the lucky ones. To date, I have had no issues with the updates. My own opinion is that this could be caused by those users (I don't blame them) who have sabotaged the update system with the various hacks on the web.
These so-called Cumulative updates, examine the computer and only install items that they see have not, so far, been installed. If you have not been keeping the updates current, it might be detecting the need for an unnecessary file replacement - Just my opinion.
May 6, 2015
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I had no problems with that update on my 2010 vintage machines that came with W7 home premium...but then this machine has not had ANY problems with W10 from the original 10240 onwards.
Feb 18, 2016
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Folks, it's inevitable. Eventually, MS will produce a Win 10 update that some older, successful Win 10 computers cannot handle.

Either they have to go to Windows 11, or they have to deal with legacy machines that can no longer be upgraded.

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