Ease of Access settings keep getting unset

Oct 28, 2016
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My windows Ease of Access settings keep getting unset. Since the latest updates other bizarre things are happening. Most disturbing are pop-up menus whenever a setting is turned off. For example, if sticky keys gets turned off when I type the letter r it opens the command line showing regedit. Sorry, I cannot get a screenshot of this because when I try it captures the window without showing the Run window.
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
No need to see the run command.
Somewhere on your keyboard, you have a couple of shift keys. If you press one of these and, at the same time, check (usually on the topo row, there should be a key marked PrtScr, for print screen.
You may have a different positioning or combination on your keyboard.
You can then paste the screen shot into a graphics program - Paint will do - and adjust the size and post it up on this forum.

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