Hi Win 10mn. I also have this EXACT same problem. PART 1... back in August the public school I work for issued us brand new Lenovo laptops using Windows10. I received it and tried it out and it connected to the schools network with no problems. Then I took it home and ... it saw my home wifi connection but would not connect, telling me my password was incorrect (but it was correct). All other devices in the house connect to my router without problem. I then used my phone as a hotspot and ... the laptop connected. Tried my home wifi connection again but same error = incorrect access key. I asked my school tech person and they told me to change my router's security to "mixed wpa/wpa2" and create a new access key. I did that and it worked! For one day. The next day, when I tried to connect ... first it would give me the message "checking network" , then the router would reset and drop all existing connections (which upset the wife who was watching netflix). This continues to happen over and over again. I called my internet service provider and after 4 hours and many various attempts they determined that it was not an issue with the router, it was an issue with the device, which to this day connects anywhere i go without problem, except my home
PART 2. Last week for christmas my mom gave me a brand new, in the box, DELL laptop with windows 10. And it also, has the EXACT same issue. It will connect to Wifi everywhere except my house. Again I called my internet provider and again spent 4 hours on the phone and still came away with the same result. They gave me a Microsoft support number. Today I called the number. The microsoft support person told me on the phone, that they are aware of an issue with windows10 connecting to private networks, but, in order to help me I had to buy the 1-year support package at the price of $199.50 !!!! Unbelievable. I am a teacher and can not afford any such charges. So ... Im hoping someone will read our stories and come to the rescue! How do we fix this Windows10 connection issue!?!?1