Windows Updates and slow internet


Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
Sirs. I am not a fan of Windows 10 and here is why.
The OS itself is really first class but what spoils it totally for me is that the ISP in my area, and I live way out in the country, cannot improve my broadband download speed above 1.1 Mbs. Yes very slow.
So each time microsoft release a major update or when I reinstall Win 10 I loose my PC to the update process for an incredible amount of time. Often there is a hickup in the download process and so it fails and I have to start all over again..
There are also many updates which fail to update but appear that they are succesful until the next time I close down when the same update starts again.
I often retire to bed while Win 10 does it's update stuff only to find that overnight the download fails and so I loose my pc for the day, sometime longer, while it updates again.
Am I the only one who suffers with very slow internet speeds, apart from myself and my 4 nieghbours, if so how do you deal with it? How should I deal with it and is there another way to get updates from Disc or USB releases.
Grateful if anyone can restore my faith in Win 10 to allow me to enjoy it other than moving to a new address.


May 6, 2015
Reaction score
Assuming of course you have a laptop, is there a town you can reach with a public library? They often have reasonably fast net and probably don't mind too much if you sit for an hour downloading W10. That would work in Canada and of course I don't know where you are.


Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
Yes I could do that or invade a friends house who has fibre broadband but I think both of these aspects is an invasion of goodwill. My point is that perhaps Microsoft should not assume that everyone has high speed or even decent speed internet and cater for such conditions considering that wish to dominate the market with their product.
I am grateful for your suggestion but perhaps not one I am looking for.
I am a Brit but I live in Germany who do not have public libraries that I know of within 60 kilometers of me.
Thank you
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
I did have the same problem - also a country dweller. I then changed to a mobile broadband connection. Maybe not available to you? But it increased my download speed about 500% ! ,

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