Windows Update- Computer Doesn't Work Now... Windows Techs Seem to Make it Worse

May 31, 2018
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About two weeks ago WIndows forced an update. Since them my computer has not worked and I have literally spent over 35 hours on the phone (over the course of several days) with Microsoft support trying to solve the issue to no avail.

First I got the windows unavailable message. Couldnt connect to internet, seemingly couldnt access files. Eventually this became a black screen with nothing but a trashcan icon.

Call Microsoft- Windows techs download a copy from online, download it. Try again and again, different versions, different links. Its not working. Ever.

Long story short, this one tech was convinced I needed to clean the entire computer- this erased everything, including Windows. SO now I can't even get to the black screen with the trashcan. Everything goes to the boot screen.

When I load the USB with the Microsoft update into the computer, we boot to installation, it begins but then I get a media not found message. No one seems to understand how to overcome this. We have tried changing ports but it doesnt work. The computer is just over a year old and it worked absolutely fine before this update.

I cannot begin to tell you how damaging this has been, especially since Im overseas and cant bring it into a locla shop even if I wanted to (which, in al honesty, feels unfair anyhow- why should I pay who-knows-what to fix a problem Windows forced on me).

I really don't know what to do here, so I'm hoping someone may be able to help. I did have Avast on the computer, but the suggested fix is not an option now because the tech seemed unawar eof the Avast issue and instead pushed to clean the disk. The fix seems to require accessing the black screen or the choose a system option, which I no longer have.

Can anyone offer some guidance? I've read through lots of posts but I can't find someone in this particular situation.

The Windows tech actually asked me today- "now what do we do?".

I didn't know if I should laugh, cry or scream. I opted for gorging on cookies instead.
Nov 6, 2017
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Please repost with more information, including the manufacturer and model of the problem computer.

Oct 1, 2014
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Long story short, this one tech was convinced I needed to clean the entire computer- this erased everything, including Windows. SO now I can't even get to the black screen with the trashcan. Everything goes to the boot screen.
Do you know what was done to erase everything? Do you have the install media you tried to create or a Win 10 recovery drive?

Even if Windows is giving you problems, you can still boot to install or recovery media. Since you indicate you have not been able to do that we will need for that to work.

Put you media into your USB drive. Boot the machine and immediately start tapping the F key required to get to the Bios setup or a Boot Device Menu. If you can get there then look for a UEFI version of your media or the USB drive if you are using a Legacy system. Let us know your situation after you make this attempt.

As Ben says, we need information to be of any help. Configurations and exact procedures along with any messages is important info...
May 31, 2018
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Thanks everyone! Here is some additional info:

To erase everything, the tech opened the .exe window and formally comanded the disk to be erased.

The computer model is a Lenovo Thinkpad E470; I have the media drive on my USB but when I get to the install screen, I press install now and it takes me to Setup starting screen for a second, then a mesage box pops up with the "a media driver your computer needs is missing." I would assume that meant the usb wasn't working, but it does work as I've loaded the windows boot onto it (more precisely, the tech did so- multiple variations of it) and upon pressing F12- the computer recognizes the presence of the USB. Yet I can't make it past the screen- its like an impossible Mario Bros boss.

Startup BIOS is set as follows:
Network Boot: PCI LAN
EUFI/Legacy- UEFI Only (although I have tried Legacy and Both)
Boot Mode- Quick
Boot Order Lock- Disabled

Please let me know if you need more info.
Oct 1, 2014
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To erase everything, the tech opened the .exe window and formally comanded the disk to be erased.
If a Diskpart "clean" command was issued, you can recover that drive, if you wanted to try. It would require a third party partition manager like Partition Manager and recovering those partitions.

If you are getting a driver not installed message then there may be a situation where a SATA or other driver needs to be loaded during the install. If the situation was a M.2 PCIe drive being used as a SATA drive, those SATA drivers would need to be installed. An NVMe PCIe drive has drivers in a UEFI Bios if you are installing as UEFI.

Do you know the model of your drive and how the SATA controller is configured in your Bios?
Dec 26, 2015
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Wish I could contact MS. I opened the help windows and link for phone or chat doesn't work. Anyone want to share the support number?
May 31, 2018
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No, how would I find the model of the drive and the SATA? I'm unsure of what SATA is...

@PA-WOODCHUCK Microsoft Contact:
"You can contact Microsoft Customer Service and Support on the following telephone numbers, Monday through Friday, 5:00 AM – 9:00 PM Pacific Time and Saturday and Sunday, 6:00 AM – 3:00 PM Pacific Time:"

  • In the USA, (800) MICROSOFT (642-7676)
  • In Canada, call (877)568-2495
  • In India, contact 0008004402130
  • In UK, contact 0800 026 03 30

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