Windows Password Input problem

Jun 6, 2018
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After 30 years of computer support, I have finally seen something that is not only bizarre, but down right strange. The situation is this, I have a computer running Win10 with the latest updates. Today the user turned on the system, the Windows password box appeared. When she typed her password, it failed. She typed it again watching as she type and noticed this behavior. She would type the first letter of the password, the MS password masker dot would appear. The cursor would then return to the first position. She would type the next character in her password, it would then be in position 1 with the first character in position 2. Repeat this process for the length of the password. Press enter and the password would fail. I arrived and essentially called BS, that should not happen. I then proceeded to both witness and test this behavior.

At this time, I also noticed that the mouse input was having problems. You can move the mouse but cannot select a different user, the shutdown button or any of the other control buttons on the password screen.

I removed the keyboard and attempted to use the onscreen keyboard but was not able to access anything via mouse control.

After multiple attempts, I decided to perform a system restore. Restarting the system and getting into system restore worked normally. Password request showed up and I had to put my administrator password in backwards. Literally, I typed the password one letter at a time, starting with the last letter and then pressing enter. ex. password is Cardinals I typed slanidarC. Mouse control is still flaky, and keyboard control is sporatic. I initiated the system restore. It seemed to proceed normally. System rebooted and started installing Windows updates. Eventually, the password screen displays.

The same situation occurs. We cannot put the password in because of this behavior. I am having the system delivered to me tomorrow and I will most likely replace the harddrive and install a new copy of Windows.

If anyone has any suggestions to how to solve this problem, it would be greatly appreciated.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Never seen it before, so I can't provide anything helpful, although
I would be extremely interested in how you progress and what you ultimately discover.

We've seen a rash of password entry failures recently and now wonder how many might have been experiencing something similar.
Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
As a computer fixer I also would be interested in a fix for this. Could it be some type of a language setting issue? I know some countries read from right to left. Just grasping at straws here.
Jun 6, 2018
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I brought the system into my shop and tested it with my keyboard and mouse. I could not replicate the keyboard input situation. I then carefully checked the original keyboard. This revealed that the keyboard cable was badly damaged. It has several small nicks in the cable and several of them appeared to penetrate the shielding around the wires. I believe that this damage was the cause. Unfortunately, at the installed location, the lighting under the desk was insufficient to reveal the damage.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Glad you managed to figure it out.
Thanks for coming back and reporting what you found.
Much appreciated.
Jun 18, 2018
Reaction score
After 30 years of computer support, I have finally seen something that is not only bizarre, but down right strange. The situation is this, I have a computer running Win10 with the latest updates. Today the user turned on the system, the Windows password box appeared. When she typed her password, it failed. She typed it again watching as she type and noticed this behavior. She would type the first letter of the password, the MS password masker dot would appear. The cursor would then return to the first position. She would type the next character in her password, it would then be in position 1 with the first character in position 2. Repeat this process for the length of the password. Press enter and the password would fail. I arrived and essentially called BS, that should not happen. I then proceeded to both witness and test this behavior.

Hi Tom,

Believe me you are not alone, I started my PC on Friday and that was the last time I was able to use it. On restart I was unable to login as the password wasn't recognized. I use a PIN to access my desktop. I recovered my Microsoft account and reset the password still no luck. Some of the advisors here offering ideas assume you can actually log into the computer.

I can't find a resolution for this other than wiping & reinstalling Windows, I have tried everything. This has caused me 3 days of my life so far and I'm still no where.

I have been using Windows since 1.0 this is nothing new. I don't know who f's with the update right before it's compiled but some devious gremlin must be up to no good over there. Used to be mainly printers they wiped out, seems they've graduated to "can't even log in."

Since Microsoft Home Edition is now just a "dumb" terminal it forces updates on you even if you have a metered connection. Microsoft gives you the impression you can control Windows H.E. but in reality you really can't.

It's been 33 years since Windows appeared in the PC market, you'd think after ALL THAT TIME they could create an update that doesn't cause 3 or 4 days work to fix and get going again.

I give up on Windows, finally, I am going to learn Linux.

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