Windows 10 won't stop blinking when desktop appears

May 29, 2024
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When my laptop starts up, the screen keeps blinking between the background image and black. The cursor shows the loading circle in an infinite loop, and the desktop never fully loads.
I've tried multiple things to resolve the issue, including troubleshooting c:\windows\system32\logfiles\srt\srttrail.txt based on a YouTube clip. I've entered various command prompts, but I always hit a dead end and can't proceed further. Other troubleshooting options haven't worked either.
I managed to access the desktop through Safe Mode once, but it only lasted about 5 minutes before the blinking resumed. Now, I can't even check if I'm connected to WiFi. It seems like the laptop is struggling to load the desktop with all the icons.
Any assistance is appreciated, especially since I don't have any USB or other devices available to help with this issue.

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