Can anyone assist with a solution?
My laptop was purchased with Win10 pre-installed and worked quickly and perfectly until the Cumulative Updates started to arrive. The PC now takes about 20-30 minutes to start and shutdown because it constantly tries to configure updates up to 62%, fails, then uninstalls everything and then loops back to configuring again. It eventually gives up and goes to the Start splash screen whereupon it runs perfectly until shutdown where it configures, fails, etc.
I have loaded and used the Windows Update Mini Tool to no avail, tried to install the updates manually, with and without Anti-virus engaged but to no avail.
The updates download well but refuse to install. The latest Cumulative Update causing a problem is KB3198586.
My laptop was purchased with Win10 pre-installed and worked quickly and perfectly until the Cumulative Updates started to arrive. The PC now takes about 20-30 minutes to start and shutdown because it constantly tries to configure updates up to 62%, fails, then uninstalls everything and then loops back to configuring again. It eventually gives up and goes to the Start splash screen whereupon it runs perfectly until shutdown where it configures, fails, etc.
I have loaded and used the Windows Update Mini Tool to no avail, tried to install the updates manually, with and without Anti-virus engaged but to no avail.
The updates download well but refuse to install. The latest Cumulative Update causing a problem is KB3198586.