Windows 10 Monitor going blank

Oct 9, 2015
Reaction score
Did a reinstall of Windows 10 . Now when my computer is going to a new page/website/etc
the Monitor goes to the Desktop screen. I have to put cursor on Task Bar icon of the page and then once I see it the page has now loaded, click on it to have it open up.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Did a reinstall of Windows 10 .
First make sure that all Windows 10 updates are current, up to date and installed.
Reinstalling Windows 10, might require you to supply some drivers for some hardware devices (like input devices, keyboard, mouse, etc.,) so that the operating system interprets cursor movements, mouse clicks, keyboard input, properly based on the hardware you are using.
While Windows 10 does have a lot of native support for hardware, it does not always install the best, latest or optimal driver for everything.
Now when my computer is going to a new page/website/etc
the Monitor goes to the Desktop screen.
Does this happen in all web browsers (Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, etc.,)
Does this happen with any other applications (notepad, wordpad, etc.,) or only in a web browser.
Oct 9, 2015
Reaction score
12/2 no time in my Word!!!
tech friend is coming by tonight.. I will show this to him.
Re reading reply, this happens even before I go onto a Web it does
sound like a Windows 10 issue to me.. of course that is using common logic, which doesn't always apply with computers imo. So we will see..
ty and cross fingers.. I DO like this site.. wish I had more time.. and plan on incorporating in the future

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