SOLVED Windows 10 Desktop PC Stuck in Sleep Mode

Dec 18, 2015
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So I was trying to restart my Windows 10 desktop computer a little while ago, and accidentally hit Sleep Mode instead. My monitor is dormant, and there are no lights on the front of the computer. I moved the mouse around. Nothing. Pressed a mouse button, still nothing. Hit various keyboard keys, still nothing. Alt-F4 a few times followed by an Enter. Nope. Ctrl-Alt-Del a couple of times. Nada. Hit the power button. Zip. Held down the power button for four seconds, PC shuts off! Pressed power button again, the computer started to power up, but no graphics, no POST beep. Hit restart button, heard fans power back up, but that's all. Shut it off on the power supply, waited 30 seconds, switched back on. Nothing, no fans. Apparently it is off. Pressed the power button, I hear the fans spin up, then it sounds like it shuts down, then they spin back up. Hold power button down for four seconds to shut it off, then unplug power cord from back of PC for 30 seconds. Plug it back in, press power button, and fans spin up, then it sounds like PC goes into sleep mode for a second or two, then fans power back up. Still no lights on front of computer.

I have been a PC tech in the past, so I know my way around a computer. I've tried everything I can think of, save trying to reinstall Windows 7, dancing over the danged thing while singing Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo, or tossing it out the window. Please. Anyone have any ideas?

This is an older PC, built by me in late 2008. I need a new one badly, but can't afford it right now. I MUST get this one back online!

Many thanks for any and all suggestions.



Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Remove the AC power and remove the CMOS battery,. then hold the power button down for a count of 30 or so to discharge any residual energy in the capacitors.
Replace the CMOS battery and plug it back in.
The initial revving of the fans is not particularly unusual especially on some older Dell systems some others as well.
Dec 18, 2015
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Hey Trouble,
You, Sir, are my hero. Took me forever because I had to clean all the dust grizzlies out of my box, but worked beautifully. Have a great weekend!



Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Glad to hear it and thanks for posting back and updating your thread with that information.
Dec 27, 2015
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Remove the AC power and remove the CMOS battery,. then hold the power button down for a count of 30 or so to discharge any residual energy in the capacitors.
Replace the CMOS battery and plug it back in.
The initial revving of the fans is not particularly unusual especially on some older Dell systems some others as well.
does it matter if you plug everything back in first or should you just plug in the power first, My dell is ispioron desk top is having the same problem


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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I suppose it would depend on your definition of "everything"......
Depending on what you unplugged I guess.
On a desktop it's normally a simple matter of removing the AC power cord from the PSU on the back of the computer, opening up the side cover, locating the CMOS battery and holding back the little spring loaded clip at the top of the battery container.
IF.... in order to do this, you unplugged other things, then yes, you need to go back with minimal peripherals..... wired USB Keyboard, wired USB Mouse and your monitor. I would resist plugging in anything extra until you find out if the procedure actually worked for you.
Dec 27, 2015
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Thanks I will try that, I did it before but plugged wireless mouse, wired keybord and many other usb devices back up before starting the PC
Dec 27, 2015
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dell inspiron 560 in windows 10 yellow start button stuck in sleep mode. Took back off and disconnected the cmos battery then re connected. When power back on nothing except fan turns for fraction of a sec.
Dec 27, 2015
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I suppose it would depend on your definition of "everything"......
Depending on what you unplugged I guess.
On a desktop it's normally a simple matter of removing the AC power cord from the PSU on the back of the computer, opening up the side cover, locating the CMOS battery and holding back the little spring loaded clip at the top of the battery container.
IF.... in order to do this, you unplugged other things, then yes, you need to go back with minimal peripherals..... wired USB Keyboard, wired USB Mouse and your monitor. I would resist plugging in anything extra until you find out if the procedure actually worked for you.
dell inspiron 560 in windows 10 yellow start button stuck in sleep mode. Took back off and disconnected the cmos battery then re connected. When power back on nothing except fan turns for fraction of a sec.
Dec 27, 2015
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I suppose it would depend on your definition of "everything"......
Depending on what you unplugged I guess.
On a desktop it's normally a simple matter of removing the AC power cord from the PSU on the back of the computer, opening up the side cover, locating the CMOS battery and holding back the little spring loaded clip at the top of the battery container.
IF.... in order to do this, you unplugged other things, then yes, you need to go back with minimal peripherals..... wired USB Keyboard, wired USB Mouse and your monitor. I would resist plugging in anything extra until you find out if the procedure actually worked for you.
dell inspiron 560 in windows 10 yellow start button stuck in sleep mode. Took back off and disconnected the cmos battery then re connected. When power back on nothing except fan turns for fraction of a sec.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
power back on nothing except fan turns for fraction of a sec
If you are not hearing any beeps and you are not seeing anything on the screen, not even the Dell splash screen or typical POST information, my guess would be that....
You've either got a power supply problem or a more serious problem with the motherboard or one of its' components, although in most instances bad memory or even a bad CPU would probably generate some beeping.
You can of course try removing the memory and reseating it or try booting with only a single stick in place. You could also remove, reapply thermal paste and reseat the CPU.
Have you attempted to contact Dell, is there any time left on the Warranty?
Dec 27, 2015
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If you are not hearing any beeps and you are not seeing anything on the screen, not even the Dell splash screen or typical POST information, my guess would be that....
You've either got a power supply problem or a more serious problem with the motherboard or one of its' components, although in most instances bad memory or even a bad CPU would probably generate some beeping.
You can of course try removing the memory and reseating it or try booting with only a single stick in place. You could also remove, reapply thermal paste and reseat the CPU.
Have you attempted to contact Dell, is there any time left on the Warranty?
no warranty left :-(
Sep 23, 2016
Reaction score
Please my Acer notebook E1-131 windows 10.. is stuck in sleep mode holding down the power button to restart didn't work... it didn't respond.. what do i do please

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