Wifi disconnects constantly - purchased new HP laptop with Win 10 already loaded (not an upgrade).

Oct 25, 2016
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I have had this laptop for 6 months and reviewed all the fixes a few months ago to keep wifi from constantly disconnecting. Yes, I have the updated network adapter driver. Yes, I have applied the reg edit fix. Yes, I have the power management settings for my network adapter set to "not turn off this device to save power." All was working just fine until this latest Win 10 update last week. Now, the wifi is back to turning off and I have to reboot to get Network Settings to show wifi connections and to connect to my wifi. I can't even get any wifi connections to show up without rebooting. This Win10 version is NOT an upgrade from a prior Win OS. No, I don't have any viruses. No, my firewall is not interfering with my computer. Yes, all my other devices work just fine on my wifi. IT IS A WINDOWS 10 OPERATING ISSUE AND NOT MY COMPUTER. OK, it is my computer because it has a crap version of Windows 10 on it.
May 6, 2015
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When it disconnects what is the adapter status both in Network and sharing centre - adapter settings and in device manager? Have you tried to roll back the driver in device manager.

I presume that you have checked that the fixes you installed are still there since the update ...including the adapter driver

What is the make and model of the installed adapter?
Oct 1, 2014
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If you let us know the model number of the computer and Wi-Fi adapter we might be able to find some info. The fact is was working until this last update may mean the driver, which I assume you did not upgrade after the Windows update may have been broken by that update.

Check and make sure your network is showing as Private.

You might check the connection status before and after it disconnects. If you can find some IP address which is changing or some lease which is having to be renewed it might lead to some conclusions.

Any messages in the Event Viewer around the time it disconnects?

What type of Wireless router are you using, it may even be related to that and does it have any firmware upgrades?
Oct 25, 2016
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When it disconnects what is the adapter status both in Network and sharing centre - adapter settings and in device manager? Have you tried to roll back the driver in device manager.

No, since this was a new computer with the latest netowrk adapter and driver there were no driver updates. The fixes mentioned above fixed the problem.

I presume that you have checked that the fixes you installed are still there since the update ...including the adapter driver

yes fixes have been verified.

What is the make and model of the installed adapter?
Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller #2
Realtek RTL8188EE 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi Adapter

Wifi worked fine all day yesterday and failed this evening.

Failed tonight and ran fine yesterday. Properties of network adapter under device manager is "adapter is working properly"

In sharing center is says "you are currently not connected to any network"

Then when I plug in the ethernet cable I get a connection.

I was plugged in to DC and not running off battery. But, most times I run off battery and it fails. So, what is the fix?
Oct 1, 2014
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Wifi worked fine all day yesterday and failed this evening.
You have absolutely no idea what might have changed to make it stop working? It there some time of day involved or anything you might be able to tie to the event?

Does the Event View have any messages around the time it quit working?

If a battery gets weak it may effect the signal strength from your system.

When it says you are not connected to a network, left clicking the wireless icon shows networks available or nothing?

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