SOLVED Weather App dying

Jun 26, 2015
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Over the last few days I have noticed that Windows 10 Weather app is displaying fewer and fewer days under the Daily heading.
It is now only showing Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Previously it displayed 10 days. Each day has been one day less.
Today, the Live Tile stopped working.
I have tried "Troubleshooting" and "Reset" of the app, but this has not cleared the problem.

P.S. I have a mini-computer, Windows 10 single language, connected to the TV for watching You Tube and downloaded programmes and films.
Checked today and it also is showing only 4 days, today and the next three days.
Is this a general problem or just aimed at me!
Sep 26, 2017
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Having done part of their work for more than 30 years I like to go to, get to the page/s I want then use Bookmarks. It appears most online apps use the same base information. I like getting direct results from things my taxes go for.
Feb 18, 2016
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When my app failed apparently it was Bing Updates for the app.
I temporarily used directly the app weather site at I was going to actually recommend the MSN weather page to the OP. But, when I visited the home page last night, it too only showed the forecast for 4 days. That's what the OP was querying.
Jun 26, 2015
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`Curiouser and curiouser!'
Out most of Sunday, so when I returned home late checked the computer.
As midnight passed I 'lost' another day.
Also, the weather app opened initially with a blue background and sun in the centre. Had to close it and restart it.
Similar thing happened when I clicked on 'Settings'.
Spent the next hour plus scanning for viruses, malware, adware and anything else I could think of - nothing found.
Went to bed after 1am expecting the worst and a day or more trying to get everything back.

Turned on the computer this morning and weather app back showing 10 days!
No problems with 'settings'!
Only thing, weather live tile not live but everything else normal.
Just checked my mini-pc with TV and, apart from no live tile, everything else back to normal including 10 days of weather forecast.

Don't know what happened, but after nearly a week of gradual losses it seems to be all over.
Perhaps Windows 10 gremlins have been put back in the box by Microsoft, until they decide to let them out again.

Ron The Bear and Norton - things back to normal yet?
Feb 18, 2016
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That's good to hear I like the weather app, informative and accurate
My weather has been working right for months, just had a glitch after the Fall update. I just waited for Bing to correct their update glitch.
Jun 26, 2015
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Well, live tile now working again.
When I clicked on weather this morning I was asked to "rate the app", so looks like Microsoft have been messing about again.
Problem solved, I guess.

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