Userid changed following Windows update to MS Account Login

Jun 25, 2016
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Has anyone had this happen? I allowed an update to Windows 10 and Office 2016 several days ago and following that I was unable to login to my PC... my Windows userid was changed from my local login to my Microsoft account login. After ripping MS a new one, I was finally able to get in after resetting my MS account password. I know I did not change my account setting and no one else uses this laptop, so I can only assume this is a case of MS making unwelcome changes again.
May 6, 2015
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I believe that the W10 upgrade, to W10, process will always use a MS ID if one exists on the machine even if you don't use it. Why? I don't know but I suspect it is so Cortana and the Store will work.

I have been on the Insider program so when I allowed my W7 machine to upgrade I knew it would want to log on as either my previous local account or my MS account afterwards and was ready. It did start with my MS account and allowed me to immediately change back to my local account...but Cortana insisted that to get its ( her?) benefits I had to log on to it(her) with the MS account.

It would be better if the OS upgrade had a non-skippable dialog about this.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Just purchased a new Dell 2 in 1 for my grand daughter's graduation present.
Set it up for her in advance. Local account, no password.
I decided to install the Netflix app from the app store for her.
In order to do that, it required an MS account. The store has the facility built in to create said account on the fly and then subsequently download and install the app.
Afterwards I found that, without any intervention on my part that the brand new computer, now required that the MS account be used to log on locally. I was prepared so it didn't pose a real problem, but.....
What would actually be nice, is if Microsoft would allow and support the use of an MS account exclusively for the various Universal Apps, that needed and required it and would leave the actual computer user account / profile the hell alone.
Feb 18, 2016
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Same thing happened to me after the upgrade to Win 10 Pro. I avoided (like the plague) signing in with a MS account. A couple of days later when I logged in as local admin my password had changed and I was asked to sign in with MS account password. I found my home page had changed, my browser had been changed from FireFox to Chromium and Chromium or whatever it was called kept trying to redirecting through that Malwarebytes was blocking as a malicious website.

I didn't realize that I have a gmail account and I think that's how MS got in the back door that's dirty pool and invasion of my privacacy.

Thanks for the topic and replies. As I'm replying on this topic, I'm seriously thing of dumping my gmail account. If they will let me. :mad:
Oct 1, 2014
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If you go to Settings/Accounts, what type of account do you show as being logged in with, a Local or Microsoft Account?

Everyone seems to have different experiences regarding a Microsoft Account. If you had a prior Microsoft account tied to Office or Outlook or Live utilities, it may have been involved with your situation.

Since Microsoft wants everyone running a Microsoft account they can be very sneaky about misleading folks to make them think they have to do upgrades/installs a certain way. If you allowed the upgrade to switch you to a Microsoft account, it may have setup your User folder differently. Since this aspect has been evolving with the newest versions of Win 10 it is hard to say what the exact capabilities currently are.
Feb 18, 2016
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My account is and always has been Local. I do have a gmail account but seldom use it. Even though you have turned off the permissions for MS collecting data, they still collect it through Double Click Key Loggers and various apps and programs. One of my cleaning programs that I use daily is Malwarebytes JRT; if I happen to use Edge you would be amazed just how many doubleclick and liveadexchanger temp files and tracking web sites it finds after an hour or so of browsing. Since the upgrade, FireFox is my preferred Browser, when I do a clean up I never find and doubleclick or liveadexchanger temp files.,2817,2489212,00.asp
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