Up coming new build August

Michael Bell

Mickey B
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
I have asked this in the past really did not get an answer with the upcoming new build in August I need to ask again.

I use an antivirus / system software called AVG Ultimate, I like it for the protection and keeping my system maintained. I fixe’s bad short cuts and shows what programs need to be used and not used. Finds un needed entries’ in registry it does not support Edge ( wish it did ) I asked them when they will.

They say it’s Win10 but it is in ways and not in other ways. When I upgraded to Win 10 last year it was a nightmare it actually got into the way had to go back to Win 8.1 disable Ultimate, upgrade and turn Ultimate back on. I scanned for issues nothing came up, update its software and I was good to go.

Have you heard of this software, do I need to do like I did before disable for the new build in August ?
Feb 24, 2015
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I would go ahead and uninstall it first. No sense asking for trouble. Will take less time than going through the possible headaches afterward.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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The Anniversary Edition (Redstone build) will be made available as an upgrade / update, but will present much like a new OS install, similar to the way the November upgrade from 10240 to 10586 looked as it was installed.

My first recommendation, as always is to perform a comprehensive backup of all your critical data as well as a Disk Image
So you have a strong fall back position.

Second.... I would strongly suggest not only disabling any and all third party security software but would recommend a complete uninstall of any such software accompanied by the vendor specific, proprietary removal tool to get rid of any remnants that might be left over.
You can always re-install the software after the upgrade has completed.

I'd also add that reducing the in-place hardware attached to your system to a bare minimum might prove beneficial as well.
Leaving only a monitor, a usb connected mouse and a usb connected keyboard.
No wireless dongles if at all possible.
May 6, 2015
Reaction score
I agree with Trouble...but I think that Microsoft and Logitech wireless mice and keyboards + Logitech Bluetooth Mouse all survive and work properly. On my boxes they have survived10240 to 10586, production and 10240(Insider) all the way to 14379(insider) which is pretty close to the Anniversary Edition. No re-installs and no problems.

I would definitely uninstall ANY AV products and run Defender, I have found that MalWareBytes has survived all the updates/upgrades without causing problems.

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