SOLVED Uncontrolled Scrolling

Mar 11, 2016
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After this last update (Version 1511, OS Build 10586.164) my PC is automatically scrolling when I mouse over some (not all) scrollable windows. Examples are, the "Metro" start screen comes up normal but when I mouse over the icons, the scroll box they are in, scrolls to the bottom and top icons are scrolled off the top of the scroll box; When I open the Edge browser to the "default" MSN website and I mouse over the "Top News" horizontal scroll box, it flips through all the items very fast endlessly or until the mouse leaves the scroll box; In Excel, if the mouse is on the active spread sheet, the program first scrolls horizontally to the end of the last column (well beyond the data) and then down to the bottom row (again well beyond the data). The curser is not scrolling, only the spreadsheet is scrolling. If I view the MSN website using Google Chrome, it does not scroll uncontrollably. This just started today after the update I did last night. What do I need to do correct this problem? It makes using my PC very difficult. Thank you.
Aug 3, 2015
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I sometimes encounter bizarre behavior like that. So far it has always worked to simply restart my PC.
Mar 11, 2016
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This is what I have done so far; I have restarted, complete shutdown and restart, swapped out my mouse for another mouse, I have run CCleaner to clear my browser(s) cash and history. The last installed program was WD Smartware (my backup program) on February 28th. The problem started March 10th after the latest windows update. I will start normal trouble shooting tonight with disabling all the startup programs and see if it still occurs, then enable them one at a time to see if I can isolate the issue. Thanks and wish me luck.
Mar 11, 2016
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I resolved the issue. I tried most everything. The error I made in trouble shooting was with my wireless mouse. In my trouble shooting I tried a USB mouse and it did the same thing. What I didn't do was remove the wireless USB adapter after inserting the USB mouse. After much testing and trouble shooting, which included reinstalling Windows 10 from an ISO file, I remembered helping someone once with a mouse problem when their mouse battery was low. I replace the batter in my wireless mouse and it dawned on me that I did not remove the wireless adapter when testing. I removed the adapter and the scrolling problem went away.
May 25, 2017
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I resolved the issue. I tried most everything. The error I made in trouble shooting was with my wireless mouse. In my trouble shooting I tried a USB mouse and it did the same thing. What I didn't do was remove the wireless USB adapter after inserting the USB mouse. After much testing and trouble shooting, which included reinstalling Windows 10 from an ISO file, I remembered helping someone once with a mouse problem when their mouse battery was low. I replace the batter in my wireless mouse and it dawned on me that I did not remove the wireless adapter when testing. I removed the adapter and the scrolling problem went away.

Wow, amazing, that saved me all the effort!!
You are a great guy :)
Nov 12, 2017
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I'd like to thank Dave D. for his simple yet, great solution to this super annoying issue!! I've tried everything; following tutorials on youtube, messing with the mouse's settings and drivers, using KeyTweak (which for a lot of people seemed to work due to a stock key (page up or down), etc.), but none worked. Finally, I stumbled upon this site and read Dave D's solution, and voila, problem solved! I unplugged the mouse's wireless adapter from the USB port. I plugged a wired mouse to test for the scrolling issue and it wasn't there. Then, I unplugged the wired mouse and plugged my other mouse's wireless adapter back in. Turned on the mouse, tested for the scrolling issue and it was gone!! Thanks again Dave D., you're a genius!!
Jan 9, 2018
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Thanks to Dave D. Had the same problem starting this am. No particular reason, just started out of the blue. I was also using a wireless mouse. First tried to fix by changing mouse parameters, changing the batteries (which were still good) then tried a wired mouse bud didn't unplug the USB wireless adapter. Then I found this post, unplugged the wireless adapter and plugged in a different wireless adapter and problem was solved. Then I removed the working wireless adapter and plugged in the original and it worked also. It may be that just unplugging and replugging the wireless adapter would have worked. Anyway, thanks for the easy fix.
Mar 4, 2018
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I resolved the issue. I tried most everything. The error I made in trouble shooting was with my wireless mouse. In my trouble shooting I tried a USB mouse and it did the same thing. What I didn't do was remove the wireless USB adapter after inserting the USB mouse. After much testing and trouble shooting, which included reinstalling Windows 10 from an ISO file, I remembered helping someone once with a mouse problem when their mouse battery was low. I replace the batter in my wireless mouse and it dawned on me that I did not remove the wireless adapter when testing. I removed the adapter and the scrolling problem went away.
Wish I'd seen this earlier - brilliant. I tried safe mode without nw, safe mode with nw, virus scans, boot logging, system repair, almost opted for a complete system reset or Windows reinstallation but found David's post just in time. Thank you!
Nov 19, 2013
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Hi Ellis. Welcome to the forums!
Stick around. Hopefully David D will come back to us, but a few useful guys to help you out with tips here!
Sep 25, 2018
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After this last update (Version 1511, OS Build 10586.164) my PC is automatically scrolling when I mouse over some (not all) scrollable windows. Examples are, the "Metro" start screen comes up normal but when I mouse over the icons, the scroll box they are in, scrolls to the bottom and top icons are scrolled off the top of the scroll box; When I open the Edge browser to the "default" MSN website and I mouse over the "Top News" horizontal scroll box, it flips through all the items very fast endlessly or until the mouse leaves the scroll box; In Excel, if the mouse is on the active spread sheet, the program first scrolls horizontally to the end of the last column (well beyond the data) and then down to the bottom row (again well beyond the data). The curser is not scrolling, only the spreadsheet is scrolling. If I view the MSN website using Google Chrome, it does not scroll uncontrollably. This just started today after the update I did last night. What do I need to do correct this problem? It makes using my PC very difficult. Thank you.

Try changing a mouse setting, turn off "scroll inactive window when hovering" it appears to have worked for me
Nov 19, 2013
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Hi regora. Welcome to the forum.
This thread is marked as solved as is several months old.

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