Trying to re-sync OneDrive, Pictures & Desktop folders within the Navigation Pane are now empty!

Jul 18, 2016
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Can somebody tell me what is happening here and how I rectify please?

Regarding OneDrive. I am disabled so I have certain documents, files, screenshots, pictures PDFs etc. in OneDrive on my laptop that is in my bedroom. Originally, these were synced with my desktop in my garage so I could work on my laptop in OneDrive and know that all the documents in here would also sync with my desktop OneDrive and vice versa.

All this has been working fine for a great deal of time until I suddenly noticed that some of the files & folders were not being synced. This was either by working on OneDrive on the laptop side or working on OneDrive on the desktop side.

I read on Google and found an article that advised me to restart OneDrive from scratch. I did this and thought nothing more of it. When I returned to the computer the next day, I noticed something different in my OneDrive folder on the laptop.

Instead of all the documents, files, screenshots, pictures PDFs etc. having a white checkmark on a full green circle next to each application, most of them had changed to a green check mark on a full white circle on each. Some of them just had the white cloud icon on them.

Firstly, I don’t know how this has happened or if I may have inadvertently changed something but ‘Pictures’ on the left side on the Navigation Pane now is labelled ‘Pictures 1.’ This library was originally on my ‘D’ drive that is a storage drive. Now, the new ‘Pictures 1’ has suddenly changed to the ‘C’ drive. When I click on this library now, no pictures are shown in here. All my other libraries are fine but they are all on the ‘D’ storage drive as were the original Pictures library too. Fortunately, when I click ‘Storage Drive (D’ also on the Navigation Pane, my pictures are there. Somehow ‘Pictures 1’ in my OneDrive folder and on the Navigation Pane, have now switched with my Pictures Library that was originally on the Navigation pane rooted to my ‘D’ drive.

On top of that and much more disturbing, when I click on ‘Desktop’ on the left-hand side on the Navigation Pane, this too is now empty whereas before it had all my Desktop items in there and these were on the ‘C’ drive originally & now. When I now, physically go to the Desktop on my computer screen, most of the icons have disappeared! Some of these are shortcuts, some folders & some files have all gone!

Can anybody tell me why this has happened and how I rectify this by getting my Pictures & Desktop items back to where they were?

Can anybody point out what I may have done to make this happen so that I am aware of it in the future in case it happens again please?


Last edited:
Apr 22, 2017
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Hi Heathsideboy,

there seems to be a lot of small problems with W10 at the mo, various things are happening to others including me, ranging from W10 de-activating to MS user accounts having a problem with the password, I would wait a few days and update then see if things return to normal. The Spring Update should be here soon so try that first!.

The other option is to create your own home network server (Home group) and don't rely on any Cloud Services!.: :)
Jul 18, 2016
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Update on my previous post.

Well everything is back as it was on my laptop now. Because I am disabled, I won’t know if anything has changed on my Desktop computer in my garage until Monday.

What I did was right click the OneDrive icon in the Navigation Pane and selected ‘Always keep on this device.’ This then gave all the files and folders etc. their OneDrive white check marks on full green circles back as, they originally were.

I don’t know if this was correct but, on the laptop, I also right clicked the white cloud icon within the Notification Area on the taskbar and chose ‘Settings.' On the, ‘Auto Save’ tab, under the title, ‘Choose where you want to save your desktop, documents and pictures’ I set all 3 to ‘This PC only.’

Then, on the ‘Office’ tab, I checked the little box titled, ‘Use Office 2016 to sync Office files that I open. Below that on the title, ‘Sync conflicts,’ I chose the radio button, ‘Let me choose to merge changes or keep both copies.’

I have noticed that my original text document icons now look like Word 2016 icons but with, ‘txt’ extensions at the end. (See image below).

OneDrive Changed Extensions.jpg

What I would like to know is, are these settings that I have chosen correct?

If not, what should I have chosen?


Apr 22, 2017
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maybe someone that uses a home network can you, I don't do it myself so cannot give you an answer of what settings to use!.

Maybe @Ian or @Regedit32 or @Trouble can help you, they should get an alert now. :)
Jul 18, 2016
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Thanks Wolfie. Let's hope they can help.

I'm going to start another thread because the text documents and Word 2016 documents in the OneDrive folder have changed their look and look strange.

I cannot think whether it's something I have done or it is a blip in Windows.


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