SOLVED Surface Pro 4 Backup

Jan 27, 2016
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To me this is strange, MS backup works fine on a external USB HDD. does a full C: with no issue, and restore also.
Client wanted to test
Acronis, makes a backup but will not restore, tested 4 times always fails to boot...
Tested Paragon fails to make a full backup errors out -
Tested Macrium it also fails to backup - constant says run chkdsk /r. There is noting wrong with the NVME.
reboot and update to latest Windows 10 18362.1 per Surface.
Acronis makes a backup same
Paragon makes a Full backup
Macrium fails to make backup and popup chkdsk /r. every time, and chkdsk /r finds no issues...
so my question actually is Has anybody used a 3d party Backup to make and restore on a Surface Pro4.
Apr 22, 2017
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Hi Snuffy,

I personally only use a USB drive and copy my files to it (I do a fresh install and copy my files back after the install is finished), I have had nothing but problems over the years with back-up apps including Windows own tools!. :)

To re-install apps, I use Ninite: ;)
Jan 27, 2016
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Thanks, @Wolfie - have been doing some testing on such, appreciate your reply, I have since learned that It seems a WinPE works well on Boot to, then have tested "SnapShot", it does make a nice fast Image Backup. on a external HD, using a Dock, other tests show that the use of USB 3.0 to 3.1 USBs work well while a USB 2 or lower have issues. so Far found that almost all uses of have issues, so I made a new "1809 USB" for a clean install. and yet have had no luck with Official Backup method.
Will check out ninite.
Apr 22, 2017
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Hi Snuffy,

for those that use back-up tools, that's fine, I prefer to do a clean install as it is often quicker than waiting hours for a back-up to restore, also; if you had any bugs on the restore image, you bring them over too!.

Ninite is a great way to quickly install all the apps you select as it does the job for you, have a coffee while it works its magic, it is an excellent website and I have never had a problem that is worth writing about!. :)
Jul 24, 2015
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Try booting via an F12 startup with a rescue disc then run recovery from an external disc.
Jan 27, 2016
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Try running Macrium reflect from the rescue environment.
Every person locally has test Macrium and it simply does not work with Surface of any type, Now that is Surface pro 4 and below. been away for doc appts, kemo-cancer and will be doing some more test today. All tests will be using WinPE Boot media, and several backup programs from. Some info for those not familiar with Surface x. Surface Off - boot to is volume down + power - then release power - @ logo release Volume and follow. other is Windows logo ->settings --> update --> Recovery or select reset. I do have Clients that need (option) to do a full restore. Yes i know that folders are the default Surface backup.
Thanks to all. and @Wolfie I will be trying Ninite.
I also use only SSD external HDDs, and 3.1 USBs.
Jan 27, 2016
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Ran several test with
snapshot, installed on Surface and in Exteral USB and External SSD, make backup with unactivated x2 programs. did backup, time about 5 min, shut down - restarted Activated both programs... did a restore with installed Snapshot, verified backup and restore about 6 min.
set auto reboot, and check both program both were in Trial Base. Verified Snapshot works in all methods.
also Ninite method works also..
Oct 1, 2014
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Are you saying the Macrium boot USB drive will not boot or you cannot do the re-imaging using it?

Keep in mind one older version of Macrium would misplace the WimMount.sys file and install an incorrect path to it..

Just in case, I would not use more than one third party utility at a time, just clean installs and the one utility.

Any logs being created during the imaging process?

But to answer your question, I don't have any Surface tablets, so no, I haven't tried it..
Jan 27, 2016
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all tests were with the latest version of Macruim. tested from installed on, tested on Boot to Media, Macrium simply refuses to work.
Make image yes, all cases, restore image 100% Failure - also info sent to Macrium, with all they requested.

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