"Something Went Wrong" error

Jul 31, 2015
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I have successfully installed windows 10. I am having difficulty trying to login to my Live ID though. I have not been able to login to Live or Skype since i have installed windows 10. I keep receiving the error "something went wrong. Try again, or select cancel to set up your device later."This also happens when i attempt to setup Cortana. An
1: I go to my account.
2: I click change account settings.
3: I see that i am a "local account administrator."
4: i click "sign in with a microsoft account instead"
5: a box pops up, loads for about 2 seconds then i see "something went wrong. Try again, or select cancel to set up your device later."
6: i click retry and the error continues to pop up.

Am i doing something wrong here? Is there a way to fix this?

Side note: I am connected to internet. My computer met the spec requirements and runs very fast. Everything else on the computer works. Prior to installing windows 10. i factory reset the laptop. Got all appropriate Windows 7 updates before installing 10. I am running out of ideas.

Setting up a second account is also impossible. I receive the same error.

If there is any other information you need i will edit this post to include it.
Aug 5, 2015
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Can you use the technique I posted here to create a new local user (admin group) and associate that account with your MS account?
Hi I'm having the same problem that Michael is experiencing. I tried your method of making another account and it worked great. However I really don't want to go through the hassle of setting up another account especially since I have so much invested in the account experiencing the issue. I recently upgraded to Windows 10 from 8.1 Pro and this problem has arisen. Is there anyway to fix this problem without making another user account on Windows?
Aug 23, 2015
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Can you use the technique I posted here to create a new local user (admin group) and associate that account with your MS account?

Go to Control Panel
Then 'Internet Options'...
Select 'Advanced' tab...
Take the scrollbar to bottom...
Mark these options:
"Use SSL 2.0"
"Use SSL 3.0"
"Use TSL 1.0"
"Use TSL 1.1"
"Use TSL 1.2"
Click 'Ok' button...
Try again, the "Something went wrong" error should be gone...
Oct 1, 2015
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Go to Control Panel
Then 'Internet Options'...
Select 'Advanced' tab...
Take the scrollbar to bottom...
Mark these options:
"Use SSL 2.0"
"Use SSL 3.0"
"Use TSL 1.0"
"Use TSL 1.1"
"Use TSL 1.2"
Click 'Ok' button...
Try again, the "Something went wrong" error should be gone...

I had the same problem. I was scratching my head and thinking of re-installing Windows 10 until I saw your solution.

Thanks. It works...

But just wonder why we need to do this. The said Internet Options seems to be related to the methods controlling how Windows connect to a remote SSL server by different SSL standards.

If this setting was set wrongly on a fresh Windows 10 install, then I believe there should be a lot of Windows 10 user having the similar problem
Feb 24, 2016
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Go to Control Panel
Then 'Internet Options'...
Select 'Advanced' tab...
Take the scrollbar to bottom...
Mark these options:
"Use SSL 2.0"
"Use SSL 3.0"
"Use TSL 1.0"
"Use TSL 1.1"
"Use TSL 1.2"
Click 'Ok' button...
Try again, the "Something went wrong" error should be gone...

I had the same problem and it's been impossible to find a solution until now. This finally worked. Thank you so much, you really saved my life (and my laptop..)!!
Mar 4, 2016
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Go to Control Panel
Then 'Internet Options'...
Select 'Advanced' tab...
Take the scrollbar to bottom...
Mark these options:
"Use SSL 2.0"
"Use SSL 3.0"
"Use TSL 1.0"
"Use TSL 1.1"
"Use TSL 1.2"
Click 'Ok' button...
Try again, the "Something went wrong" error should be gone...

Didn't waork after latest "upgrade" automatically installed on Windows 10. Thanks Microsoft, everything was all going far too smoothly
Jun 4, 2016
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I had similar issue but the above did not solve it. However when I selected "forgot my pin" option and then re-verified the account details the pin started working again.
Mar 12, 2023
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Go to Control Panel
Then 'Internet Options'...
Select 'Advanced' tab...
Take the scrollbar to bottom...
Mark these options:
"Use SSL 2.0"
"Use SSL 3.0"
"Use TSL 1.0"
"Use TSL 1.1"
"Use TSL 1.2"
Click 'Ok' button...
Try again, the "Something went wrong" error should be gone...

Thank You so much! I have had this problem for a long time and I have never been able to get around it but this has really helped! :)
May 14, 2024
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Allow local and remote login through group policies,
open group policy management Win + R > gpedit.msc > Enter

go to Computer Configuration > Windows Configuration > Security Settings > Local Policies > Assignment of User Rights
Remove your user from the following policies , if present there:
Deny local login
Deny login via Remote Desktop Service


Now you will be able to create a local account or revert to using a local account.

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