There's no problem with the internet connection -- I'm online a great deal, including using gmail with no problem. That was a sloppy question on my part. I'm currently signed in as a Local Account / Administrator and wanted to sign in to my Microsoft account instead. It rejected my password, and when I reset my password, it rejected that one also. I didn't have time to waste on it, so I went back to work using the Local Account. I turn my computer off overnight. When I booted up the next day I got a message that said Group Policy Client Service out of touch - or something to that effect. I still couldn't sign in to my Microsoft Account so I ignored it. The next two mornings I got the Group Policy Client out of touch message when I booted up. The second day I also had a problem with Office 365 -- a Word 9 file sent to me wouldn't open past the first page of five pages. I copied it to flash drive and took it to my Windows 7 Word 7 notebook, which opened the document with no difficulty and I was able to print the pdf file I made there from my Windows 10 computer. I haven't seen the Group Policy Client out of touch message since, but it will be a few days before I'm sure if everything is back as it should be. The Windows 10 computer is only 5 months old, and I'm really disappointed to be having so many problems with the operating system.