SOLVED Saved Wallpaper Distorts when used as desktop background


Nov 16, 2015
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I have been trying to change my desktop background from the standard Windows 10--with some scenery wallpaper I found on wallpaper sites. When I download and save as a JPG or PNG then change the wallpaper the images become large and distorted. Example, A scene with snow covered mountains in the background and a body of water in the foreground and looks perfectly clear even when saved to the "Pictures" folder. I right click the image and select "Set As Desktop Background" and it shows up distorted and magnified so as the body of water in the foreground is partially missing and the mountains are closer and distorted. I searched the internet for suggestions and nothing works. One of the suggestions was to do a regedit and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\CONTROL PANEL\DESKTOP. Right click DESKTOP New, DEWORD 32bit value. Name the DWORD JPEGImportQuality Press Enter. Double Click the Newly created DWORD then where it says "User Base" select "Decimal" option. change the value 0-100. I made the value 100. From what the suggestion said it was to take the distortion out of it. It didn't. I tried different sceneries and the same thing. If I use what standard Windows 10 images there are they appear normal. I am using Windows 10 2004 OS Build 19041.685. I have an MSI AMD motherboard (A88X-G41) with and AMD W/Graphics Radeon 7 processor. I have tried everything I could find and trial and error with no results. I don't remember having this problem before. I am also in the process of building a new computer and got it out today and tried changing the desktop background with some downloaded images and got the same distortions. Any help would be appreciated.
Oct 26, 2016
Reaction score
What are the parameters of the picture you tried to use in regard of size and dimensions (you might have downloaded a thumbnail size of what you really wanted)?? For a desktop picture on a 17" monitor a 1920x1080 picture is recommended. your picture might be of a much lower resolution and when stretched out on the desktop its gonna look distorted. Just an idea so far...


Nov 16, 2015
Reaction score
I have been trying to change my desktop background from the standard Windows 10--with some scenery wallpaper I found on wallpaper sites. When I download and save as a JPG or PNG then change the wallpaper the images become large and distorted. Example, A scene with snow covered mountains in the background and a body of water in the foreground and looks perfectly clear even when saved to the "Pictures" folder. I right click the image and select "Set As Desktop Background" and it shows up distorted and magnified so as the body of water in the foreground is partially missing and the mountains are closer and distorted. I searched the internet for suggestions and nothing works. One of the suggestions was to do a regedit and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\CONTROL PANEL\DESKTOP. Right click DESKTOP New, DEWORD 32bit value. Name the DWORD JPEGImportQuality Press Enter. Double Click the Newly created DWORD then where it says "User Base" select "Decimal" option. change the value 0-100. I made the value 100. From what the suggestion said it was to take the distortion out of it. It didn't. I tried different sceneries and the same thing. If I use what standard Windows 10 images there are they appear normal. I am using Windows 10 2004 OS Build 19041.685. I have an MSI AMD motherboard (A88X-G41) with and AMD W/Graphics Radeon 7 processor. I have tried everything I could find and trial and error with no results. I don't remember having this problem before. I am also in the process of building a new computer and got it out today and tried changing the desktop background with some downloaded images and got the same distortions. Any help would be appreciated.
What are the parameters of the picture you tried to use in regard of size and dimensions (you might have downloaded a thumbnail size of what you really wanted)?? For a desktop picture on a 17" monitor a 1920x1080 picture is recommended. your picture might be of a much lower resolution and when stretched out on the desktop its gonna look distorted. Just an idea so far...
Thanks for the reply Grizzly.
My default display settings 1366x768 on a 19" monitor. I downloaded the jpegs from different web sites that had wallpaper images that have sizes of 1920x1080, 2200x1200, 2048x1107, 3840x2160, and 2560x1600. And they all do the same thing. I tried my other Display Options of 1280x720, 1024x768, 832x624 and 800x600 and they only made it worse. They didn't indicate that they were thumb nail size.


Nov 16, 2015
Reaction score
Thanks for the reply Grizzly.
My default display settings 1366x768 on a 19" monitor. I downloaded the jpegs from different web sites that had wallpaper images that have sizes of 1920x1080, 2200x1200, 2048x1107, 3840x2160, and 2560x1600. And they all do the same thing. I tried my other Display Options of 1280x720, 1024x768, 832x624 and 800x600 and they only made it worse. They didn't indicate that they were thumb nail size.


Nov 16, 2015
Reaction score
Figured out that I had to click on the thumbnail size (Which I thought was the actual image) and it enlarged on a separate page and I tried to save that with a jpg file but still was distorted as wallpaper. To the right of the enlarged image was a "visit site" button and when I clicked on that it took me to another page with all the images and when I right clicked and saved as a jpg file then selected it for DeskTop background and it showed not distorted but only magnified closer so your not getting some of the foreground and the right and left side of the original image but it fills the entire monitor without distortion.
Oct 26, 2016
Reaction score
if you click on an image, you get the preview on the right. If you hover with your cursor over the image it shows the actual size of it


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