Reset windows - - keep my files option

Nov 10, 2015
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I feel the need to reset my HP laptop ….due to an issue of me not being able to get my synaptics touchpad settings control panel after touchpad driver updates

I thought I would use the reset windows - keep my files option

what I wish to know is
(a) have I to prepare a recovery media first?
(b) the laptop shipped with windows 10 1709 but is now at windows 10 1903 - so what version do I expect to see on a successful reset? feature update 1709 (factory) or 1903 (current)
(c) Is this same as a HP factory reset ? (do I have to make a recovery media even for a factory reset?

Thank you folks
Oct 2, 2014
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a. No
b. I believe you'll be resetting to the same version you're running now. If you do an hp factory reset, you'll go back to 1709.
c. No. A windows reset will reset to a vanilla version of windows (without the hp specific drivers and whatever extra software it came with). All it will keep is your personal files. Although I would recommend backing them up just in case, if you plan on going that route. All your programs and apps will be lost.

If you decide to do a windows reset, you may need to go to hp's website and get whatever specific drivers you need. Everything should work fine, but if you need a specific driver for your touchpad that has a settings control panel, you'll need to download them.

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