SOLVED Renamed folders reverting to old name when moved

Jun 11, 2017
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My home PC is Windows 10 and all updates applied. The only change I've done is creating a new user profile for work to avoid having having work files and work VPN settings in my home/admin profile. For some reason, when I rename a folder and then copy or move it to a new directory, the name changes back to the old one. Only renamed folders, renamed files work properly.

For example,

  • I have Folder A located at C:\Users\Work\Desktop\Folder A
  • I rename "Folder A" to "XYZ" and move / copy / cut&paste it to C:\Users\Work\Documents\Archive
  • Once the move or copy is finished, it's shown as "Folder A" within the Archive folder and "XYZ" at the original location.

This is driving me crazy, does someone have a solution for this?


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Just a shot in the dark, but....
Do you have any cloud service syncing with that "Archive" folder or perhaps a parent folder further up the path?
Apr 22, 2017
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Also, make sure you close file manager first before you try and copy a file over!. Restart file manager and try it again!.

I have not tried this so it is just a shot in the dark!. :)
Jun 11, 2017
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no cloud syncing services or file managers. Happens with every folder I rename and then move to another folder. Files are fine, but folder names always revert to the old once it's copied, moved, cut&paste, etc. It happens only on this new "Work" profile that i've created. My admin and everyday profiles don't have this issue.

In case it's relevant, I've just discovered it's only subfolders in one folder that has this re-naming glitch. I believe I cut and paste this one folder from my everyday profile into my work profile. Has that messed up some sort of permission setting?
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Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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In case it's relevant, I've just discovered it's only subfolders in one folder that has this re-naming glitch. I believe I cut and paste this one folder from my everyday profile into my work profile. Has that messed up some sort of permission setting?
It's probably not a permission issue or else you'd likely be getting some "in your face" error / notification messages
It is likely relevant in that I remember reading some time way back during the XP days or perhaps it was earlier, when dinosaurs roamed
Certain attributes were adjusted / inherited when files or containers were copied versus moved, and some were not but carried its' old attributes from its' previous location.
That may be what you are running into in this situation.

I'm sure there are some fascinating articles (yawn) out there which explain it all in appropriate amounts of word salad IF you care to research it.
Jun 11, 2017
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all I've managed to figure out so far is that when changing the folder name, the DisplayName is changing but the FileSystemName remains the same and has precedent when being copied or moved. Haven't figured out how to fix it yet though
Jun 11, 2017
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Solved it. I just copied the whole folder in question onto an external hard drive, deleted the original, and put the copy back on. Name changes are sticking now.

Can't believe the solution was that simple


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Glad to hear that you were able to resolve your issue.
Thanks for the follow-up info.
Much appreciated.
Aug 10, 2021
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Here’s the easy fix: rename your file, then right click on the renamed file. Click “Properties” then the “details” tab at the top. On the first line of the info that the page displays will be the “old” name of the file (the one it keeps reverting back to) at the bottom of that page you’ll see “Remove properties and personal information” in blue font. Click on the blue font….another screen pops up. Click on “ remove the following properties” then click the box on the first line which is, once again, the old name of the file. Now click “ok” at the bottom and you’re all done!
Dec 12, 2023
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Here’s the easy fix: rename your file, then right click on the renamed file. Click “Properties” then the “details” tab at the top. On the first line of the info that the page displays will be the “old” name of the file (the one it keeps reverting back to) at the bottom of that page you’ll see “Remove properties and personal information” in blue font. Click on the blue font….another screen pops up. Click on “ remove the following properties” then click the box on the first line which is, once again, the old name of the file. Now click “ok” at the bottom and you’re all done!
There is NO "details" tab in the "Properties" box.
Dec 26, 2023
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My home PC is Windows 10 and all updates applied. The only change I've done is creating a new user profile for work to avoid having having work files and work VPN settings in my home/admin profile. For some reason, when I rename a folder and then copy or move it to a new directory, the name changes back to the old one. Only renamed folders, renamed files work properly.

For example,

  • I have Folder A located at C:\Users\Work\Desktop\Folder A
  • I rename "Folder A" to "XYZ" and move / copy / cut&paste it to C:\Users\Work\Documents\Archive
  • Once the move or copy is finished, it's shown as "Folder A" within the Archive folder and "XYZ" at the original location.

This is driving me crazy, does someone have a solution for this?
My home PC is Windows 10 and all updates applied. The only change I've done is creating a new user profile for work to avoid having having work files and work VPN settings in my home/admin profile. For some reason, when I rename a folder and then copy or move it to a new directory, the name changes back to the old one. Only renamed folders, renamed files work properly.

For example,

  • I have Folder A located at C:\Users\Work\Desktop\Folder A
  • I rename "Folder A" to "XYZ" and move / copy / cut&paste it to C:\Users\Work\Documents\Archive
  • Once the move or copy is finished, it's shown as "Folder A" within the Archive folder and "XYZ" at the original location.

This is driving me crazy, does someone have a solution for this?
Did you find the solution

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