Addressing yours....
Usually when I have a wireless keyboard acting goofy, I assume batteries are at fault.
Otherwise, simply test by removing the wireless dongle from your laptop and see if the integrated keyboard alone causes the issue.
Pretty sure that when two input devices are attached either two keyboards or two mice, the computer can and will accept input from either or both simultaneously, so....
You need to take some steps to figure out which one is the culprit.
His, since it's the integrated keyboard alone and the problem persists across multiple programs, then he likely has a stuck key.
It could be a physical obstruction, it could be actual damage to a particular key-switch or perhaps even the keyboard ribbon connector is not seated and locked down.
You may have to take it and have the keyboard replaced
Undoubtedly a YouTube video or two out there showing how to
Some are very simple and others are a giant pain.